Sunday 31 January 2021

How to Add change Status on Custom Application

 tatus Maintenance on Custom Application

In order to maintain status in our custom Application, these are the Following requirements:

  • Objects
  • domain
  •  Relationship
  •  Field Class
  •  Custom Mbo classes
  • Status Handler class
  •  Beans
  • Create one persistent and one non-persistent object to maintain status other than your custom Application Object.
  •  Create status,statusdate,memo fields in three objects(persistent ,non-persistent and main object(custom application object) with the same syntax.
  • Create a synonym domain from the db2 database.
1. Create an entry on max domain table according to the max domain id and domain id
2. Create an entry on synonym domain table based on domain id entry on max domain table.
3. Add the domain to your Main object status field.
  •  Create a relationship between synonym domain and our Main object using where clause according to the domain id
  • Domain id='ZSTATUS' and value=:status and :&DOMAINFILTER&_STATUS Set the main object id in persistent status object and Create a relationship between Main object and persistent status Object using where clause.
  •  Create a relationship between Main object and Non-persistent object without any where clause
  • Field Class: Create a field class which extends Synonym domain or else use existing field class which is given by Maximo to the non-persistent field (status) of non-persistent object




SYNONYMS domains are special, reserved domains in the system. You cannot officially add or delete synonym domains. You can add new synonym values that are presented to the user.
These work similar fashion like ALN domains. However, they let you add more values to be shown to user which corresponds to the built in internal values.  Creating Synonym domains and adding internal values are not possible via UI. However, database queries can be made to insert those.

Adding a new SYNONYM domain

Synonym domains cannot be created in DB. They need to be created in DB only.

The following query will create synonym domain with domainid as TESTSYNONYM, type as UPPER and length as 10.

insert into maxdomain
(domainid, description, domaintype, maxtype, length, scale, maxdomainid, internal)
values ('TESTSYNONYM', 'Testing Synonyms', 'SYNONYM', 'UPPER', 10, 0, nextval for MAXDOMAINSEQ, 1)

This can now be viewed in Maximo. However, since it does not have any internal values yet. Maximo wont let you add any values in it.

Adding a new internal values in a SYNONYM domain

Again internal values can only be added using db query. The following query will add an internal value of ABC and value of ABC.

insert into synonymdomain ( domainid, maxvalue, value, description, defaults,siteid, orgid, synonymdomainid, valueid)
('TESTSYNONYM', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'Testing', 1,null, null, nextval for SYNONYMDOMAINSEQ, 'ABC|A');


Now new values can be added in this domain using Maximo

Adding value in SYNONYM domain

This can be done using Maximo UI.

Open the domain and click New Row. Enter values and done.


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