Thursday 30 July 2020

Maximo complete list of defects and security defects fixed, and supported platforms in Maximo Asset Management

Defect APAR APAR URL Application Name Description Behavior, Database, & Manual Changes
285759 IJ00499 Report Viewer In scheduled recurring reports, the next run time is displayed incorrectly in the UI.
296706 IJ03426 Appointment Book Manager In the Appointment Book Manager application, when you right-click the Graphical View, the context menu does not appear at the mouse position, but at the top left side.
297769 IJ03798 License Usage Monitor In the License Usage Monitor application, the list of applications is not updated when a new license file for an existing product is added.
301713 IJ04901 System User Interface After you make a selection on the main screen, the ticket template listed below the main object are not appearing at the bottom of the screen.
301759 IJ04905 Assets In the Map Manager application, the basemap cannot load properly until Full Extent is clicked.
304046 IJ05498 System Object Maximo Asset Management work center searches cannot find Cyrillic characters.
304855 IJ05695 Report In the Report application, when you connect to Cognos from within Maximo Asset Management fails when you use HTTPS. Examples of available SSL protocols: SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2. The property maximoDataSource.sslprotocol=TLSv1 added to  Default SSL protocol for Java 7 (Cognos 10.2.1) is TLSv1. Default SSL protocol for Java 8 (Cognos 11.0.11 for environments) is TLSv1.2  maximoDataSource.sslprotocol=TLSv1.2 ( entry).
306092 IJ06036 Integrity Checker Integrity Checker can take a very long time to run.
306159 IJ06048 Object Structures No results are returned when you create a web service from an object structure in the Web Services Library application.
306936 IJ06270 Budget Monitoring In the Budget Monitoring application, when you try to update the lines in a budget that has multiple focal points, the field values are not updated.
307180 IJ06334 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, if you select Sign Off for a work order that includes one or more operations, an error occurs.
308261 IJ06635 Report With Maximo Direct Printing of reports, Printing can be slow of the reports and attachments if Direct printing a large volume of records.
308963 IJ06773 Conditional Monitoring In Condition Monitoring application, cannot generate multiple WOs for measurements of linear assets .   Database Change:  Attributes added to MEASUREMENT object:  WORKORDERID: Identifier of the work order generated for this measurement.  ISLINEAR: Is this measurement for a linear asset?  EVALUATEDFORWOGEN: Has this linear measurement been considered for work order generation?   Attributes added to METERDATA object:  ISLINEAR: Is this METERDATA object structure for a linear asset   Cron Task added:  LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask, described as "Linear measurement work order cron task".   LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask Parameters: 1 CronParamSite: The sites for which the linear asset measurement work order generation cron task will be run. This parameter overrides a non-null OrgId parameter. That is, the cron task will be run for the sites listed regardless of the value in the OrgId parameter. If both this and the OrgId parameters are null, the cron task will be run for all measurements across all sites and organizations. 2 CronParamSQLFilter: SQL where clause specific to the LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask instance. This filter will apply to all sites listed in the instance's siteid parameter, or all sites if a siteid parameter is not specified. 3 CronParamEmailTo: The e-mail address to whom the linear asset measurement work order generation cron task result will be sent. The result for each site will be sent as an individual e-mail. The mxe.adminEmail and parameters properties must be specified for this e-mail feature to work. 4 CronParamLogFile: The e-mail address to whom the linear asset measurement work order generation cron task result will be sent. The result for each site will be sent as an individual e-mail. The mxe.adminEmail and parameters properties must be specified for this e-mail feature to work. 5 CronParamOrganization: The organization for which the linear asset measurement work order generation cron task will be run. If the SiteId parameter is not null, the OrgId parameter will be ignored.  User Interface Change: Modified PM Options dialog in the Organizations application to include a section titled "Stand-alone Linear Asset Measurement Work Order Generation Process Settings". The section has two settings:  1 Automatic Linear Asset Measurement WO generation? true (checked) or false (unchecked) If unchecked, the current site will be excluded from work order generation even if it is explicitly included in the CronParamSite LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask cron task parameter.  2 E-mail Address Notification:  If a value is supplied here, the LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask cron task will use it in the event that the CronParamEmailTo is not provided. If a CronParamEmailTo is provided on the cron task, this value will not be used.  These two options are supported by the addition of the following site-level MAXVARS:: AUTOLAWOGEN: Automatically generate Work Orders from a linear asset measurement? LAWOGENEMAIL: E-mail address to send linear asset measurement WOGEN results  Corresponding MAXVARINPUT entries for the above MAXVARS: AUTOLAWOGEN: Flag that indicates whether to generate work orders or not automatically from a linear asset Measurement LAWOGENEMAIL: E-mail address to send linear asset measurement WOGen CronTask output.  MAXMESSAGES added to support the LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask cron task: 1. linearmeasurewogen#LinearMeasureGenWOResult: Linear asset measurement work order generation cron task for site {0} finished at {1}. 2. linearmeasurewogen#WogenMessage: Generating work orders from linear asset measurements for site {0} at {1}. 3. linearmeasurewogen#header: Linear asset measurement work order generation cron task 4. linearmeasurewogen#subject: Linear asset measurement work order generation cron task notice for site {0}. 5. linearmeasurewogen#WOGeneratedByMP: Work order {0} generated from measure point {1} for linear asset {2} [start measure {3}, end measure {4}] based on meter {5} measurement of {6} taken on {7} (measurementid={8}).  The descriptions for the LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask parameters are contained in the following additional new MAXMESSAGE: 1. linearmeasurewogen#CronParamEmailTo: The e-mail address to whom the linear asset measurement work order generation cron task result will be sent. The result for each site will be sent as an individual e-mail. The mxe.adminEmail and parameters properties must be specified for this e-mail feature to work. 2. linearmeasurewogen#CronParamLogFile: The complete path of the log file for the linear asset measurement work order generation cron task result. This can be any valid path/filename, ''stdout'', or ''stderr''. If a value is not specified, mxe.msgLogFile will be used. 3. linearmeasurewogen#CronParamOrganization: The organization for which the linear asset measurement work order generation cron task will be run. If the SiteId parameter is not null, the OrgId parameter will be ignored. 4. linearmeasurewogen#CronParamSQLFilter: SQL where clause specific to the LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask instance. This filter will apply to all sites listed in the instance's siteid parameter, or all sites if a siteid parameter is not specified. 5. linearmeasurewogen#CronParamSite: The sites for which the linear asset measurement work order generation cron task will be run. This parameter overrides a non-null OrgId parameter. That is, the cron task will be run for the sites listed regardless of the value in the OrgId parameter. If both this and the OrgId parameters are null, the cron task will be run for all measurements across all sites and organizations.
309445 IJ06910 Crews In the Work Order Tracking application, on the Enter Time by Crew dialog box, if you specify a crew but do not specify a start or end time for the crew, and you select OK without first selecting Refresh, the previous start and end time for that crew are duplicated and assigned to this new instance of the crew.
309903 IJ07017 System Object When you turn Admin mode on and off, a cluster cache issues occurs.
310137 IJ07114 Integration Modules With Maximo Integration, Inserting Custodians to Asset via Object Structure based Web Service not working properly. Receiving error in response: 'BMXAA4134E - PERSONID did not validate'
310232 IJ07130 Integration Modules An error occurs when using a cron task to import multiple flat files.
313312 IJ07214 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, assets display in the Asset field lookup for the User/Custodian filter even when an affected person is not specified for the service request.
310946 IJ07291 Integration Modules When using the web service (jax-ws) endpoint to send soap messages to an external web service, the jvm generate Out Of Memory errors after few thousand messages.
311545 IJ07398 Configure Tooltips If you change your default insert site to a site that is not yet accessed, in the Configure Tooltips application, you must log out and log back in before the templates appear in the list.
312945 IJ07716 Report In the Report application, when you run a report with a user ID containing a "\" character, an authentication error occurs.
313435 IJ07852 Assignment Manager In the Assignment Manager application, if the time zone for the user differs from the time zone of the server and the user attempts to interrupt an assignment, an error occurs.
314927 IJ08245 Report Administration On specific external proxy-enabled hosting servers, when Maximo users try to generate BIRT and Cognos reports, errors occur.
315045 IJ08293 System Object The following error message appears in the logs when starting the application server: BMXAA6838E - The IOTSERVICE / IOTENDPTDTLS / IOTRESTENDPOINTS table is missing.
316170 IJ08592 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision work center, the Approve action on cards does not validate Org/Site specific statuses.
316804 IJ08819 Graphical Assignment Date changes made in the Graphical Assignment application are not updated in the Work Order Tracking application.
317899 IJ09072 Install In the Install application, when you run Maxinst, an error occurs.
318087 IJ09103 Report When you are in a time zone earlier than the server, you cannot schedule reports for 12:00 on the first day of the month.
319546 IJ09738 System Object Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-11358; CVSS Base Score: 6.1; CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score
320834 IJ10151 Integration Modules When you use IBM Maximo Asset Management version 7.6.1, if you use a third-party application that is connected to the Maximo system by using RMI, an error occurs. 
320341 IJ10277 Assignment Manager In the Assignment Manager application, when Maxim for Utilities is installed, crew availability is incorrect.
321385 IJ10624 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, on the Dispatch tab, if you assign a work order to labor but not to a task and then you refresh the tab, the work order is removed from the list.
322208 IJ10893 Service Requests In the Work Center Service Request application, the GL account is not populated when selecting an asset with a GL account.
322813 IJ10902 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you perform a crew lookup in the Work Order list tab, the crew values are not displayed.  
322475 IJ10958 Assets In the Assets application, when you link records, the an error occurs on the map.
322543 IJ11002 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, work orders and shifts are incorrectly scheduled when you select the Perform Critical Path Method icon for your schedule.  
323488 IJ11290 Work Execution In Work Execution application, Work Order total count is not displaying accurately when creating a new Card.
323489 IJ11291 Work Execution In Work Execution application, error is displayed when clicking on 'Cause' after selecting the 'failure' link .
324736 IJ11565 Translation Data Toolkit Utility When upgrading from Maximo from the 7.1x version to 7.6x version, entries for synonym domains are not being translated. Some of the domain values were translated, but they are not in 7608. France TSC translated them again. 
325775 IJ11979 Database Configuration During Maximo updatedb procedure, when creating a database view, creation of the view can fail due to column lenght being exceeded. The error is fixed. It was caused due to a table column name being bigger than the maximum allowed length. A verification was put in the code to either truncate it's value when it is generated by the code or print a friendly error message when user defined via dbc file.
325795 IJ11981 Job Plans In the Job Plans application, if you create a revision of a job plan and that job plan includes labor and at least one tool, you can delete the labor from the job plan revision, but an error occurs if you subsequently attempt to delete the tool.
326870 IJ12267 System User Interface In the TPAE 761 environment, when you apply the work centers interim fix, the build info displayed in the system information is missing the prefix of IFIX.
326859 IJ12294 Bulletin Board In the Bulletin Board application, when you create a new record, and select view history, the system jumps to the first bulletin record.
327591 IJ12630 Message Reprocessing In the Message Reprocessing application, special characters appear as error messages in HTML.
327593 IJ12631 Report In Labor Utilization reports, if any of the labor codes contain an apostrophe, the report will throw an error.
327957 IJ12760 All Applications In multi tenancy environments, cloned applications are not viewable by tenants after the server cache is cleared.
328309 IJ12896 Purchase Orders The PONUM invoice line is not sent to Oracle EBS.
328453 IJ12929 UpdateDB Utitlity When upgrading to Maximo Asset Management version and Maximo Spatial Asset Management version, the upgrade fails.
328455 IJ12931 System Object A Maximo session times out in Internet Explorer after you open and then close multiple Internet Explorer windows.
328560 IJ12950 System Object A number of Maximo Asset Management token licensing defects exist.
329026 IJ13077 Solutions In the Solutions application, the previous Solution record's attachment is added to the next Solution record that you create and cannot be deleted.
329370 IJ13161 Report When executing a Cognos Analytics report, Cognos parameters prompt page is being skipped when it should be displayed.
329842 IJ13281 Manage Systems Maximo Performance, users are sometimes assigned hundreds of Maximo session ID's when logging into Maximo instead of just one.
329869 IJ13300 Work Execution In the Work Execution application, you receive an error when data is synchronized between Maximo Anywhere and Maximo Asset Management.
330678 IJ13934 License Usage Monitor In the License Usage Monitor application, Work Center applications cannot be added to a license.
330899 IJ13988 Everyplace Supervisor In Everyplace Supervisor, when opening a work order, a keyboard pops up.
330902 IJ14007 All Applications In all applications, the long description is truncated after running the UpdateRichText.bat utility.
331000 IJ14032 Meter Groups Adding Meter in Meter Group for 2109 assets takes 7-8 minutes when the box "Apply New Meters where Group is used?" is checked.
331813 IJ14286 Migration Manager In the Migration Manager application, when you try to upload a package that was created in a multitenanted environment, an error occurs.
331810 IJ14287 Application Designer In Application Designer, when Edit Mode is enabled, some fields are still read only and unable to be edited.
332292 IJ14488 All Applications In all applications, old PDF attachments that do not contain trailers cannot be printed.
332310 IJ14497 Work Supervision  In Maximo Work Supervision Work Center, the 'APPROVE WORK' card is not displaying 'WAPPR' status Work orders if synonym status is used. The out of the box query filter can be modified in the work center configuration application for each panel.   1. Login as a configuration user. 2. Go to the Supervisor Application. 3. Enter design mode, by clicking on the pencil icon in the header. 4. Click on the Approve Work Panel header. 5. Once the Design work panel appears update the Where clause to the following (basically we removed the status filter from here):  {"qbewhere":{"siteid":{"operator":"=","value":"-dfltsite-"},"supervisor":{"operator":"=","value":"-personid-"},"woclass":{"operator":"=","value":"WORKORDER"}}}  6. Also, add this new filter in the Additional parameters:  domaininternalwhere=status=WAPPR  7. Click the Save button. 8. Click the Manage (gear) icon in the header. 9. In the Manage Work Center configuration dialog click "Publish as active workcenter". 10. In the Publich your Work Center, you can add an optional configuration remark. 11. Click the Publish button. 12. Log out and log in as your regular user and check the cards in the Approve Work panel.
332397 IJ14519 Report In the Asset application, the "Drill Down of Asset Failures" report is not returning any data in non-English environments.
332408 IJ14547 External Systems In the External Systems application, when you select the Create Interface Tables action, an error occurs.
332687 IJ14664 System Properties In environments that have both administrator mode and LDAP authentication enabled, users can successfully invoke web services over the integration framework.
332745 IJ14685 Work Order Tracking When workflow assignments are delegated, the original workflow asignee field in the database stores the name of the delegate instead of the name of the original asignee.
332838 IJ14763 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, if a schedule is committed by a user who is not the same user who created the schedule, the Changed By field specifies the user who created the schedule, not the user who committed the schedule. 
333111 IJ14843 Work Order Tracking Overlapping shifts associated with an asset do not report time values correctly.
333206 IJ14884 Integration Modules When attempting to use Application Import from the Work Order Tracking application, to add a RELATEDRECORD with a record class of WOACTIVITY to a workorder that also has a record class of WOACTIVITY, the following error is presented: BMXAA4285E - This combination of ticket and class does not exist.
333477 IJ14958 Database Data In ICD 7603, Maximo login is hanging due to memory leak in PSDI/MBO/MBOCOUNTER.
333933 IJ15007 Inventory In the Inventory application, when entering inventory balance records users, you encounter an error that says that an unknown error has occurred.
333699 IJ15037 Invoices In the Invoice application, when you create a new invoice and associate a purchase order that has over 50 PO lines associated with it, clicking on Copy PO Lines takes over a minute to load the PO lines.
333854 IJ15051 Report Administration In the Report Administration application, if you try to generate a report that includes an unbound parameter that contains an apostrophe, an error occurs.
333841 IJ15076 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the format of decimal values in the Move/Swap/Modify dialog does not reflect the configured locale in the profile of the user.  
334134 IJ15126 Desktop Requisitions When you create a requisition and supply values to all required fields, error BMXAA2967E occurs when you click Continue.
334270 IJ15194 Inventory Usage When you configure system parameters to disallow negative inventory balances and then attempt an issuance of inventory items that reduces the balance to zero, an error occurs.
334269 IJ15209 Asset Templates In the Asset Template application, when you duplicate an asset template record after you setup autonumbering, a unique key value duplication error occurs.
334306 IJ15220 Migration Manager In Migration Manager, an error occurs when deploying the DMMAXGROUP migration package.
334453 IJ15239 All Applications In all applications, text appears at the top of the row rather than in the middle of the row when using the tivoli09 skin.
334551 IJ15286 Inspection In Inpectoin Forms application, Inpection Forms status stays in 'In Progress' status if duplicates were created from one of the measurements.
334550 IJ15288 Migration Manager When you use Migration Manager for IBM Maximo Asset Management version 7.6.1, you cannot use CHANGE migration packages. 
334644 IJ15335 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, if you have a work order with durations that are multiples of whole shifts, when you run CPM, these work orders overlap instead of scheduling finish to start.
334670 IJ15351 Work Execution In Maximo Anywhere, lookup data is only partially downloaded due to SQL Server case insensitivity setting.
334765 IJ15387 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, you receive an arcGIS login dialog box from the Dispatch tab.
334871 IJ15393 People In the Person application, when booking multiple days off, using the Modify button, the check boxes are not cleared.
335234 IJ15437 Work Order Tracking In the Graphical Assignment application, the Available Labor list includes an inactive labor record.
335232 IJ15442 System Object NullPointerException errors are written to the log for objects not currently being used by Maximo.
335044 IJ15470 E-Mail Listeners When you send an email to Maximo Asset Management to create a service request, the text in the long description field does not display text after line breaks. This fix requires the addition of a YORN property, mxe.listener.multipart.alternative.html. If this property does not exist or if its value is set to 0 (i.e. the default), the current behavior is unchanged. With the current behavior, when incoming emails have a content type of multipart/alternative, the text/plain part is used. If the value is set to 1, when incoming emails have a content type of multipart/alternative, the text/html part is used. The default value in will be 1.
335279 IJ15479 Storerooms In the Storerooms application, the inventory lead time is not calculated correctly.
335328 IJ15484 Budget Monitoring In the Budget Monitoring application, the performance of the functionality that updates budget lines is poor. 1. Go to Application Designer and export the application definition for "BUDGET"  2. Open the exported budget.xml in a text editor 3. search for id="budget_year" replace the entire line with  <textbox dataattribute="year" id="budget_year" synchronous="true" /> 4. search for id="budget_financialperiod" replace the entire line with  <textbox dataattribute="financialperiod" id="budget_financialperiod" lookup="financialperiod" synchronous="true" /> 5. search for id="budget_calc_st" replace the entire line with  <textbox dataattribute="CALCSTART" id="budget_calc_st" lookup="datelookup" synchronous="true" /> 6. search for id="budget_calc_ed" replace the entire line with  <textbox dataattribute="CALCEND" id="budget_calc_ed" lookup="datelookup" synchronous="true" /> 7. Save the xml and import the application definition in Application Designer.
335120 IJ15489 All Applications In the System Properties application, when you update properties that relate to font size and the direction of labels, the system does not display labels consistently.
335277 IJ15528 Database Configuration In Database Configuration, When creating a new item Object, receiving error 'BMXAA0603E - Persistent attributes cannot be added to an imported object. ITEMNUM should be deleted or made non-persistent.', when adding attributes
335278 IJ15539 System User Interface When using IoT18, conditional UI components cannot make changes to application tabs.
335433 IJ15576 Purchase Requisitions In the Request for Quotations application, when you change currency an error is displayed.
335434 IJ15580 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, on the Assignment view, when you select two or more Wait for Assignment records and then select the Assign to Available Labor action, you must refresh the Assignment view for all of the records to display.
335793 IJ15583 Inventory In the Inventory application, when performing the Reconcile Balance action from the List view, obsolete items have the inventory balance reconciled.
335454 IJ15597 System Object Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4644; CVSS Base Score: 6.1; CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score A new property, webclient.parameters.sanitize, was added to protect parameter values against cross site scripting attacks. You can set the value to 1 to enable protection. This would apply in the case when text entered into a field by a user is displayed elsewhere in the app using substitution variables/parameters.
335453 IJ15598 System UI Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4446; CVSS Base Score: 5.4; CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score  
335614 IJ15635 Tools In the Tools application, attributes that were added to some classifications are not displayed in the Specifications tab. The reported issue is not a bug. Adding a system property for user to add the new attribute to Tool Item app when the use-with object is defined TOOLITEM only without ITEM. The property is: Out of box the default value is 0 user will need to change the value to 1.
335790 IJ15647 All Applications Even though the POPR collaboration switch is set to 1, status changes to purchase requisitions are allowed.
335791 IJ15659 Assets When the SHAPE attribute is not visible from the geographic information system (GIS), on the Map tab for the asset record, the map is blank. 
336018 IJ15702 Organizations Even when system parameters are configured to disallow negative inventory balances, updates from the integration framework can make inventory balances negative. A new property " " is added and the default value is 0. Please set this to 1 to test the fix.
336094 IJ15750 System UI Security Scans In all applications, attackers can gain access to sensitive information that they are not authorized to view.
336179 IJ15792 Workflow Designer In the Workflow Designer application, when you update a condition node query to include a nonpersistent field, an error occurs.
336209 IJ15795 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, calendar breaks ignore the Assign Available Labor option.
336262 IJ15812 System UI Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4478; CVSS Base Score: 6.5 CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score
336394 IJ15841 Shipment Receiving In the Shipment Receiving application, when you make a material transfer between storerooms that are in different organizations, the exchange rate is not applied correctly.
336393 IJ15871 Chart of Accounts In any application that includes a GL lookup, the GL dialog takes a long time to appear. A system property was added for the users who have large amount of records of Chart of Accounts when using GL Navigator. For the users, please change the value to 1 so COA is not in subselect in GLNavigator to help performance.
336414 IJ15883 Purchase Orders In PO application, Setting a required field on the PO line is not making value as required. Attribute can be blank and still record will save. Added a new system property "". Default is 0: it does not validate the mandatory based on the current item specification. The user can change the value to 1: it will validate against the mandatory flag just set up in the Classification app.  
336598 IJ15886 Purchase Requisitions In the Purchasing Requisitions (PR) application, when you set the Line Type value to Standard Service and the Item value to Install in a new PR, an error occurs.
336712 IJ15890 Cron Task Setup When two phone records are added for a user In the LDAPSYNC cron task setup, the cron task creates only one phone record for the user in the database.  
336493 IJ15891 Report Administration In the Warranty Contract application, when running the Warranty Incidents report, the report does not pull the asset and the asset description, and does not display them in the output.
336517 IJ15898 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, in purchase orders that reference a purchase contract associated to multiple related companies, the Go to Contracts option from the detail menu of the Contract Reference field links to a blank list screen instead of to specific contracts associated to the purchase order.
336599 IJ15906 Service Address In the Service Address application, the map does not open with linked records.
336640 IJ15950 System User Interface In Workflow Designer, the Cancel button displays incorrectly in German language environments.
336641 IJ15953 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when you generate a work order or forecast, Maximo ignores seasonal dates settings.
336752 IJ15980 Publish Channels With Maximo integration, when using publish channel MXGLTXNInterface to post a JSON message to an URL, an error appears when object is saved
336807 IJ15985 Organizations In the Organization application, an address cannot be deleted if it exists in another organization.
336805 IJ15988 Report Recent changes to the Assignment Manager reports need to be retrofitted to the Graphical Assignment reports.
336806 IJ16000 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the resource load does not display correctly in the graphical view.
336804 IJ16003 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical assignment application, when you make a single assignment, the Resources column is not updated with the labor name until you refresh the work list.  
337022 IJ16030 Service Requests If Repair Facilities are enabled for an organization, in Service Requests when you click Create > Work Order, the new work order is not displayed in the Related Records tab of the record,   
336917 IJ16046 UpdateDB Utitlity When upgrading to Maximo 7.6.1, updatedb is taking long time to process when large database is being processed.
336920 IJ16047 Security Groups In Work Order Tracking, Take Ownership Action is not prevented, or does not throw error when the sigoption that should prevent the action is present.
336918 IJ16048 Install When upgrading to Maximo version from version, upgrade fails V7602_05.dbc script.
336916 IJ16049 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, shipments can be created without values in required fields.
336957 IJ16053 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, some of the assignments are grey in color when using the Split option.
336958 IJ16055 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Scheduling application, the optimizer does not allocate labor resources over weekends.
337023 IJ16083 Security Groups If the webclient.wrapreadonlycolumns system property is set to false, in the Security Groups application, you cannot click on the text of an application name.
337026 IJ16087 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, if a work order has multiple assignments and you drag the work bar for one of the assignments to a future date, the duration of the assignment increases.
337156 IJ16088 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, while using the Assign Available Labor tool, you see intermittent errors regarding the date.
337155 IJ16105 Integration Modules Using Maximo integration, After adding apikey into JSON call, getting language error from other language user when doing a POST.
337158 IJ16109 Organizations In the Work Order Tracking application, reserved items are saved as soft reservations.
337178 IJ16120 Login Unable to log into Maximo Lightning URL (MAXIMO-X) after closing browser, unless cache is cleared for the browser first.
337268 IJ16150 Inventory (Nuc) In the Inventory (Nuc) application, duplicate reservations are created for an item.
337264 IJ16152 Work Execution In the Work Execution Work Center, large record lists do not display.
337375 IJ16170 System Object Special character searches and operator searches are not working as expected.
337403 IJ16177 Configurable Start Center If a query is added to the Start Center Result Set, then deleted from the application, this results in error 'BMXAA2300I do you want to save your changes before continuing? when trying to access the application again.'
337437 IJ16201 All Applications In some applications, when you try to expand a table row, you are unable to do so and the system hangs.
337443 IJ16203 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment tab, when you attempt to compare two scenarios, the comparison data does not load.
337757 IJ16215 Purchase Orders Incorrect entries for receipts of a distributed PO Line are being recorded.
337758 IJ16219 Master PM (Cal) When a master PM does not have an extended date, and the Update Associated PMs action is selected, an unexpected warning appears.
337528 IJ16223 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, the Run Optimization action fails with an error.
337589 IJ16232 Work Order Tracking In Work Order Tracking, if Work Order Asset or Location is associated with a BIM model . Tree and Menu option are missing
337588 IJ16279 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Scheduling and Graphical Assignment applications, when planned labor assignments are thousands of hours long, the date ribbon does not display hours.
337759 IJ16300 Map Manager In the Map Manager application, the Map Tips tab is not available for maps provided by certain map providers.
337764 IJ16318 Start Center In the Start Center application, date fields that do not contain a value in the database display the current date when they are included in a Result Set.
337765 IJ16322 Work Order Tracking If an Anywhere user clicks the timer button on a work order, the scheduled start date of the work order is updated to the current system date.
337964 IJ16398 Start Center When navigating through pages of a set of records, using the back button causes the message "At first record" to appear before the first record has been reached.
337992 IJ16401 Assets In the Assets application, the Location long description field can be edited. The asset.xml needs to be changed. In asset.xml, look for <table beanclass="psdi.webclient.beans.asset.SparePartsBean" id="sparepartsform_sub_assemb" label="Subassemblies" relationship="ASSETCHILDREN">  Then search for the following line in this section : <section id="sparepartsform_sub_assemb_1_grid2" label="Details">  Then at the end of the line : <multiparttextbox applink="location,ipc" dataattribute="location"  add descinputmode="readonly"  Save the xml and import the asset.xml
338018 IJ16417 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, a new schedule that includes a work query cannot be created.
338087 IJ16433 System Object An error occurs when accessing a Maximo environment that is missing a service class.
338117 IJ16437 Locations In the Locations application, if a location is associated with a linear asset, the location map does not open.
338116 IJ16454 Map Manager (Spatial) In the Map Manager (Spatial) application, when you try to define an offline map for a site by using the Select Location window, an error occurs.  
338165 IJ16490 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, the right-click menu is not implemented for gray assignment bars.
338166 IJ16498 External Systems In the External Systems application, if you import a large number of location records, the Maximo server shows high CPU Usage and hung threads during the import. To apply this fix, a new system property needs to be created. 1) Login and go to System Properties. 2) Click New Row to add the new system property  > Property Name: mxe.locationdesccache.enable  > Description: Determines whether the location cache will be loaded on the initialization of the LocationService  > Global Value: 0  > Data Type: YORN  > Null Allowed: unchecked  > Security Level: SECURE  Save 3) Select the new property and live refresh
338282 IJ16512 System Object If the WAS.AdminUserName and WAS.AdminPassword exist but do not have value, a warning message is written to the SystemOut.log file.
338296 IJ16520 JSON Mapping In the JSON Mapping application, null values convert to zero during processing.
338374 IJ16535 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, the functionality that allows users to jump to a particular date in the schedule is not working.
338373 IJ16536 Purchase Requisitions In both the Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders applications, if the Contract Reference field contains a value and an error appears, the value remains in the Contract Reference field.
338644 IJ16595 Application Designer In Application Designer, an error occurs when applying parameter values to labels.
338645 IJ16598 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, users can view services that they are not authorized to view.
338958 IJ16673 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, fractions are allowed in the Rotating Assets field.
338950 IJ16689 Purchase Orders When a purchase order is revised through a MIF integration, the Receipts value is changed from COMPLETE to NONE.
338957 IJ16701 License Usage Monitor In the License Usage Monitor application, an incorrect number of licenses is shown.
339066 IJ16728 Conditional Monitoring In the Condition Monitoring application, when an Upper Limit Job Plan or Lower Limit Job Plan is specified, the priority is not set from the original job plan or preventive maintenance. Database Change:  1. Added field class to CHARPOINTACTION.JPNUM to ensure that priority is correctly set for characteristic meters when providing a job plan. 2. Added field class to CHARPOINTACTION.PMNUM to ensure that priority is correctly set for characteristic meters when providing a PM.
339115 IJ16749 All Applications When users try to log in to the application through a browser, certain values in the login JSP file cause an error to occur.
339409 IJ16761 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, if a schedule is created with the start date of a Friday, the schedule cannot be opened on the following Monday.
339116 IJ16763 Receiving In the Receiving application, hyphens in item names and descriptions cause text wrapping issues in the Select Ordered Items screen.
339137 IJ16778 Security Groups In the Users application, if, as a non-admin user, you complete a Select Value lookup in the Group field, a different number of groups are shown to when you click Select Groups.
339132 IJ16779 Purchase Contracts In the Purchase Contracts application, if you do an application export and update the order quantity in the exported file, when you import the updated file, the cost field values are incorrect..
339269 IJ16795 Assignment Manager In Assignment Manager, when a Work Date is selected that exceeds the value of the "Finish No Later Than" date, erroneous assignments are created.
339326 IJ16808 Graphical Assignment In the Scheduler application, the optimizer assigns work orders to time slots that are already reserved for manually assigned work orders.
339427 IJ16857 Start Center In the Users application, when a calendar format is specified for a user, this format is not reflected in the format of dates that appear in the Inbox / Assignments portlet in the Start Center.
339474 IJ16920 Work Execution In Maximo Anywhere, user is unable to mark task complete if flow control is enabled.
339491 IJ16924 Publish Channels Modifying processing rules for the MXPOInterface publish channel results in an error when you subsequently update an existing purchase order.
339516 IJ16942 Drilldown An error is thrown when you select a work order asset if the system property webclient.drilldownlikelookup is set to true.
339709 IJ17004 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, a phantom line is created when a user adds a service item with a disqualified vendor.
339708 IJ17005 Security Authentication When a user logs in using two different browser sessions, then closes both session windows without logging out, the token licenses are not returned.
339866 IJ17042 All Applications When you upgrade the application to version, then try to upgrade the database version by running the UpdateDB database update utility, an error occurs.
339867 IJ17057 Labor Rate Contracts In the Labor Contract Rate application, GL accounts are incorrect.
340003 IJ17096 Request for Quotations In the Request for Quotations application, when you invoke an action to copy purchase requisition lines to the request, general ledger information is not copied for the vendor.
340046 IJ17104 All Applications In the Service Requests application, the search icon size is incorrect in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
340241 IJ17155 Qualifications In the Qualifications application, the View Qualification Status History dialog does not display certification history records.  
340240 IJ17201 All Applications The integration framework processes transactions even when the APIKEY parameter is missing from the API call.
340242 IJ17206 Receiving When both JSON publishing and the event listener are enabled for the MXGLTXNInterface channel and you try to receive purchase order items, an error occurs.  
340330 IJ17211 Manage Inspection In the Manage Inspection application, you cannot create a conditional question for a response that is configured in a different question.   Included ability to target fields from different questions in cascade conditions.
340328 IJ17212 System User Interface When performing an attribute advanced search in Maximo, the user default insert site is not being considered With the code fix, there is a system property created. Out of box, the long-standing behavior still occurs. The user can change the value to 1, and the code will use the list tab critiera as well as the attribute search SQL.
340327 IJ17220 License Usage Monitor When cloning Self Service applications, they are not being recognized in License Usage Monitor application as they should .
340335 IJ17226 Workflow Designer Workflow Task Description displays ":personid" instead of the actual value of the person ID in Maximo and Control Desk 7.6.1.
340329 IJ17227 Incidents In the Incidents application, when you select labor from a site that is different from the default insert site, an error occurs.
340353 IJ17230 Graphical Assignment When scheduling reports in the Graphical Assignments application, the Select Schedule and Time Interval window displays incorrectly.
340428 IJ17261 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, status changes are not saved in the WOSTATUS table.
340433 IJ17262 All Applications Text wrapping across all applications is based on browser width, not on the settings that are specified in the system properties.
340430 IJ17265 System UI Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4429; CVSS Base Score: 5.4; CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score.
340499 IJ17301 Organizations Record updates are not saved despite On Change of Status to Close option being selected.
340798 IJ17302 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, when you transfer a lotted item, the shelf life and expiration date values for the item are not transferred.
340498 IJ17307 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you add a column to the Work View properties to display the PM Due Date, the field does not filter correctly.
340541 IJ17310 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, the service request status is changed to INPROG automatically when the related work order's is. APAR IV90729 ( fixed the original bug, so a new system property has been created. The property is The default value is 0 which means the SR status is changed to INPROG when a follow-up WO's status is changed to INPRG. The value 1 means the SR status is not changed when a follow-up WO's status is changed to INPRG.
340572 IJ17312 All Applications If you configure column data to be conditionally hidden in an application, then reopen the application, the data is visually misaligned.
340892 IJ17327 Work Execution In the Work Execution application, the original site ID in an inspection form is replaced with the user's default site ID.
340709 IJ17362 All Applications If the system server is a WebLogic server, and the system is successfully upgraded from version 7.6.0 to version, the system startup fails.
340894 IJ17390 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, the text size is not consistent across different fields when it is displayed in Internet Explorer and Edge browsers.  
340901 IJ17392 All Applications When you try to open an attachment using the Internet Explorer browser, an error occurs.
340900 IJ17396 Start Center In the Start Center application, the Inbox Assignment portlet does not wrap text as specified in the system properties. For the webclient.portletwraplength system property, in addition to the previously defined values, a value of -1 will allow the text to be wrapped automatically depending on the browser width.  The previously defined values are as follows: When this property is set to zero (default), text in portlet columns does not wrap. If the property is set to any integer greater than zero, that value will be used as the wrap length for portlet text.
341072 IJ17448 Assignment Manager Long description text is truncated in the Assignment Manager application.
341075 IJ17455 Domains Follow up work orders cannot be created if the crossover field CLASSSTRUCTUREDID is associated to a crossover domain of ASSETCROSSCI.
341221 IJ17509 Inventory Usage In teh Inventory Usage application, an error occurs when splitting usage quantity.
341220 IJ17514 Report Work order reports do not output selected fields in a BROS environment.
341222 IJ17530 Start Center In the Start Center application, in a Result Set portlet that requires a scroll bar, columns are not aligned correctly when they are viewed in a Firefox browser.
341223 IJ17531 Start Center If the system is successfully upgraded to version and you then attempt to edit a portlet in the Start Center application, an error occurs.
341237 IJ17535 Logging In the Logging application, logging properties display MXServer incorrectly.
341301 IJ17550 System Object Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4486; CVSS Base Score: 5.4; CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score.
341296 IJ17553 Invoices In the Invoices application, on POs with over 50 lines, the "Copy PO Lines" action takes over a minute to load the PO lines.
341300 IJ17560 Application Designer In the Application Designer application, the width you set for a combination box for an application is not applied when you open the application.
341299 IJ17561 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, after you run the Critical Path Method, the duration of child work orders is incorrect.
341298 IJ17562 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when the work order status changes to WMATL, duplicate WMATL records are created in the work order history.
341561 IJ17624 All Applications If a user attempts to generate a BIRT report by using a JSON API, and that user’s security group has a data restriction, the report is not generated successfully.
341560 IJ17639 Service Address In the Service Address application, when you enter latitude and longitude coordinates to specify the address location, the position of the address marker on the map does not reflect the entered coordinates.
341829 IJ17681 Graphical Scheduling Work order Graphical View tab does not display available resources.
341846 IJ17686 Service Requests In Service Request Application, Service address map is not displaying under certain conditions .
341929 IJ17693 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, work order status changes when deleting planned materials.
342021 IJ17706 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, forecasts are not deleted after an automatic save in the PM counter field.
341999 IJ17707 Incidents In the Incidents application, if the incident location contains one asset that is a linear asset and you attempt to create a work order, an error occurs.
341960 IJ17719 System User Interface In the More Information window, the double quote key (") is interpreted as a special character.
341956 IJ17720 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the Change Status icon is missing.
341959 IJ17721 All Applications In the List View tab, when you use the Previous record button to navigate through records, the At first record message appears before you reach the first record.
342020 IJ17726 All Applications Hover help information is truncated when displayed in Internet Explorer 11.
342019 IJ17731 Start Center In the Start Center application, regardless of the browser that is used, only half the width of the scroll bar is displayed.
342011 IJ17732 Assets In Assets application, when depicting Linear Assets, the Graphical representation is not correct in certain circumstances
342119 IJ17767 Purchase Contracts Release purchase orders are approved despite exceeding the Maximum Amount value.
342160 IJ17790 Conduct an inspection Text entry questions defined in the Manage Inspection Forms tool that do not have responses do not display on the library screen.
342308 IJ17813 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the work order cost summary is incorrect.
342309 IJ17815 Ad Hoc Reporting When you customize a report to ensure that an optional field contains empty values in the query results, the report fails to execute.
342349 IJ17822 Receiving In the Receiving application, when you void material receipt line items on a purchase order, the Actual Date of the line item should be updated to the current date.
342350 IJ17830 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, the unit cost of an item is not updated when the condition code is changed.
342368 IJ17838 Linked Documents/Attached Documents A file attached to a previous solution is automatically saved to a new solution and cannot be deleted. 
342369 IJ17842 Purchase Orders Unable to delete a purchase order line using a JSON POST request.
342445 IJ17857 Start Center Routing a workflow from the Inbox portlet of the Start Center does not change the status of the work order on the work order tab.  This is a regression caused by IJ08188.
342444 IJ17864 System Object Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4512; CVSS Base Score: 4.3; CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score. 
342529 IJ17867 Assets Asset down time is calculated incorrectly when there are more than four shifts defined and a gap in a 24 hour period of time.
342528 IJ17932 OSLC Providers Submitting a password reset request POST method to the REST API returns an insufficient permissions error message .
342628 IJ17946 Data Sheet Template When you update the Organization and Site values for a duplicated datasheet and then save it, the ORGID value for the original record is stored in the database for the duplicated record.
342627 IJ18017 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, if a user creates a child work order row for a stand-alone work order, but deletes the child row before saving, the stand-alone work order still appears as a parent in the database.
342648 IJ18024 All Applications When the mxe.doclink.securedAttachment system property is set to true, hyperlinks that are added to an application redirect to an incorrect URL.
342697 IJ18030 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, a communication log is not generated when you create a communication for a work order task.
342696 IJ18038 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling (GS) only the CreatedBy user has read/write access to all fields to define a Schedule. Users who have Commit Access should also be able to change all fields.
342996 IJ18169 Purchase Requisitions In the Purchase Requisitions(PR) application, PR lines for vendor items default to the wrong order unit.
342999 IJ18207 Application Designer In Application Designer, applications expand in pixels with each click.
342998 IJ18214 Report Administration After applying the fix for APAR IJ15113, scheduled reports that are emailed arrive blank.
343067 IJ18240 System Properties In the Migration Manager application, when you try to generate an identifier, an error occurs.
343065 IJ18243 System User Interface The session timeout window does not automatically log users out when no response is given.
343118 IJ18256 Inventory In the Inventory application, for items whose inventory balance is a decimal number, you can reorder items even though the reorder point is not reached.
343170 IJ18303 System Object Database connections are not closed after they are no longer needed. This can cause performance issues with long running and inactive connections to the database remaining active after they are no longer needed. 
343171 IJ18304 Everyplace Technician (Tablet) If you use Internet Explorer v11, the Work Order application fails to open dialog windows.
343263 IJ18314 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventative Maintenance application,after modifying UI in Application designer, downloading from the records from the application is slow.
343296 IJ18326 Integration Modules Doclink references are missing when using OSLC.
343297 IJ18329 Failure Codes In the Failure Cods application, an error occurs during searches in the Description field.
343509 IJ18346 Work Order Tracking In Work Order Tracking, Excessive wait times experienced when loading a job plan with over 50 tasks.
343613 IJ18373 Object Structures When using the Exclude Attributes Mode function, the included attributes are not added in the Add/Modify Alias field.
343669 IJ18415 Assets In the Assets application, that target start and end reference points set in a relationship are not displayed.
343668 IJ18416 Classifications In the Classifications application, you cannot delete an attribute that was applied to a classification.
343690 IJ18426 Work Order Tracking In Work Order Tracking, users cannot make item reservations.
343691 IJ18428 Item Master In the Item Master application, when you try to save a new item that has a missing mandatory attribute value, the error message that is displayed does not contain sufficient detail.
343796 IJ18464 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you calculate the percent complete for a work order or task, the result is not shown.
343842 IJ18474 Receiving In the Receiving application, expiration dates appear incorrectly when the inspection status is changed.
343885 IJ18487 Work Order Tracking When a work order with a work type of Repair, Overhaul or Inspection is completed, the Since Last Inspection field for a Location continuous meter does not reset.
343856 IJ18506 System Object Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4573; CVSS Base Score: 4.3; CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score.
343857 IJ18507 Graphical Scheduling Display reading in Graphical Scheduling moves back to previous date when Move to Next Day is selected.
343877 IJ18512 System UI Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4583; CVSS Base Score: 4.3; CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score. 
344093 IJ18517 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you change the duration value for a work order, the Refresh Schedule option does not update the scheduler record with the new value.
343898 IJ18538 Work Execution In Maximo Anywhere Work Execution application, unable to synchronize Actual Labor / Material with Maximo Database
343899 IJ18539 Preventive Maintenance In preventive Maintenance application, when generating a PM Work order, the target date is incorrect when there are two different time zones
343985 IJ18567 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you create a resource filter in the Graphical View tab, the filter is not saved.
343996 IJ18574 Graphical Assignment Dispatch view Gantt tools are unresponsive if the SITEID attribute is not defined.
344094 IJ18596 Graphical Scheduling Physical percentage complete value committed in the Graphical Scheduler application is not updated in the work order percentage complete field in the work order tracking application.  
344210 IJ18615 Job Plans In the Job Plans application, loops are not detected in nested job plans.
344274 IJ18663 Report When BIRT reports are generated by using Maximo with version 11 of the Internet Explorer browser, graphs and embedded images are not displayed correctly.
344301 IJ18679 System Object Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4530; CVSS Base Score: 4.3; CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score. 
344353 IJ18689 Graphical Assignment - Repair Facility The error message displayed when data is missing from the Graphical Assignment Repair Facilities (GARF) application does not contain enough information to understand what caused the error.
344352 IJ18691 Report Cognos reports return no data if the MAXUSER.USERID and MAXUSER.LOGINID are set to two different values. Updated site restriction views for login id matching.
344354 IJ18692 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you report downtime on an order, the start date is set to the current date instead of the actual start date of the order.
344467 IJ18706 Create Requisition In the Create Requisition application, if a condition is applied to a desktop requisition, the unit cost field is not updated when you change the condition code for a line item.
344382 IJ18708 Service Requests In SR application, Apply Service Request Icon is not being displayed in the new IOT18 skin for Maximo 7.6.1
344432 IJ18729 System User Interface If you add a new control to an application in Application Designer and set INPUT MODE for the control to READONLY, when you open the updated application, focus jumps to the bottom of the screen.
344466 IJ18741 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you add a tool to a work order, the tool has a blue color instead of a yellow color to indicate that it is available.
344555 IJ18763 Work Order Tracking In the Locations application, need to limit the assetlocusercust result set when deleting, or canceling a Work Order, or deleting a Multiassetlocci record
344640 IJ18787 Login If Application Server Security (LDAP) is enabled, users can still log into the application server after the user session timeout value has expired.
344641 IJ18816 Upgrade Utility When upgrading from Maximo version to version, Maximo updatedb function fails on Work Center script
344894 IJ18943 Scheduling Alternate Resources In the Scheduling Alternate Resources application, the application export function is limited to exporting only one record.
344910 IJ19032 Graphical Crew Management In the Graphical Crew Management application, when a record is saved with an empty start date, an error occurs.
344908 IJ19033 Receiving In the Receiving application, if you change the inspection status to partially accept and reject items, a transaction XML file is not generated. Database Changes: IJ19033.dbc was added. A new property, was added to enable outbound transaction for rejected receipts. The default value is set to 0 to skip the transaction. When the property is set to 1, the logic will enable outbound transaction for rejected receipts.  Manual Change: Change value to 1 to enable outbound transaction for rejected receipts.  Go To System Properties, find, and change the global value to 1. Save the change and do a Live Refresh. After the Live Refresh, the current value is 1.   
345001 IJ19087 Data Sheet Template In the Data Sheet Template application, calibration point range limit values are not populated correctly when asset functions contain range limit values that end in zero.
345000 IJ19089 Ad Hoc Reporting Performance issue running custom reports in SaaS environments.
345155 IJ19121 Publish Channels In the Publish Channel application, if you try to generate a schema when the integration system property is set to zero, an error occurs.
345179 IJ19129 Chart of Accounts An error occurs when a space is used as a delimeter in GL components.
345266 IJ19174 Application Designer After enabling the iot18 image skin and enabling edit mode in the Application Designer, the Apply Incident Template icon graphic displayed is from the tivoli13 skin.
345395 IJ19253 Quick Reporting When you enter a meter reading from the Meter Readings sub tab in the Quick Reporting application, a work order is not created.  
345443 IJ19276 Work Execution In the Work Execution Work Center, when a member of the owner group opens a work order, the asset and location are missing from the order.
345442 IJ19317 Report Administration If you enter quantity values of less than 1 in a purchase requisition, purchase requisition details reports you generate will list those values as 0.
345457 IJ19324 Integration Modules Void receipt transactions link to the wrong receipt record when more than one receipt is present.
345494 IJ19340 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, when you delete an autopopulated contract reference value and then try to enter the same reference value again, an error occurs.
345822 IJ19628 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you try to export graphical view data to a spreadsheet application, the spreadsheet application is not opened.
345709 IJ19652 Work Order Tracking The labor lookup information area is misaligned in the Work Order Tracking application.
346188 IJ19662 Locations In the Locations application, meter readings are not rolling down from location to asset if the asset was moved to a different location and then moved back to the original location.
346324 IJ19663 Locations In the Locations application, when you select Apply Item Assembly Structure, an error is displayed.
345825 IJ19715 Service Requests (SP) In the Service Requests application, if you enter a null value for a date datatype field that is configured in the ArcGIS table, an error occurs.
345837 IJ19717 System User Interface In the Application Import application, the Import Preview? checkbox and Specify Import File field are misaligned when you set the mxe.webclient.verticalLabels property to 0 and the property to tivoli09.
345838 IJ19718 System User Interface Drop down menu items are not aligned with the tool bar when the property is set to tivoli09 and the mxe.webclient.systemNavBar property is set to 0
345839 IJ19719 Work Order Tracking If you search for work orders reported between two specific dates using a 24-hour time format and you select a date with a time of "00:00", that time value is converted to "11:59:59".
345893 IJ19723 All Applications You cannot successfully upgrade Maximo to because an error occurs in script V7611_67.
345892 IJ19724 System Object Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-11358; CVSS Base Score: 6.1; CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score.
346028 IJ19736 Job Plans When generating work orders from a PM that contains a dynamic job plan, the Quantity field is not calculated correctly.
346027 IJ19737 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, skill level values are not enforced.
346026 IJ19778 Cron Task Setup Crontasks stop processing messages from sequential JMS queues with no error reported.
346518 IJ19780 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, you canno delete a PO line even if you void the receipt for that particular line.
346325 IJ19854 All Applications The Direct Print functionality does not work correctly when Maximo is accessed by using version 77 of the Chrome browser.
346612 IJ19865 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, an error occurs when clicking the Perform CPM button, based on the user's time zone.
346326 IJ19866 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling - Large Project application, if you try to create a work package that contains multiple work orders, only one work order is added to the package.
346568 IJ19872 Request for Quotations In the Request for Quotations application, the Commodity Group and Commodity Code values are not displayed for a request for quotation that was created in the Contracts application.
346328 IJ19878 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when you filter on the Change By field, the lookup data that is returned is from person records instead of user records.
346439 IJ19896 Receiving In the Receiving application, the Bin field is read-only when entering an inspection status.
346516 IJ19913 Purchase Requisitions In the Purchase Requisitions application, after you undo the deletion of a PR line, the attributes that are associated with the PR line are deleted.
346545 IJ19949 Data Sheet Template When you filter a datasheet using the lookup value option, the lookup results are not displayed unless you select new row. The library.xml was updated to add datasheet lookup dialogs.
346613 IJ19963 Job Plans In the Job Plans application, when you try to simulate a job plan for an asset that contains unit of measure conversion data, an error occurs.
346685 IJ20008 Manage Inspection Erroneous behavior occurs when conducting inspections in the Work Execution Work Center.  
346686 IJ20012 All Applications When you view a file attachment, the name of the attachment is different than the name assigned when the file was attached.
346687 IJ20042 Start Center In the Start Center, the Favorite Applications portlet does not open.
346703 IJ20044 Work Execution Long description field in the Work Execution Work Center is read-only. This field should be editable.
346704 IJ20057 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, you cannot save a work order that has a status of INPRG and a valid value in the Condition Code field.
346806 IJ20078 Application Designer The Hide Label option in Application Designer does not hide an application control correctly when selected.
346805 IJ20080 System User Interface When using Internet Explorer v11, you are unable to open files attached to a Work Order. The solution introduces a system property called mxe.webclient.alwaysopenattachments. If set to 1, attachments will open properly in IE 11. However, setting the property to 1 will make maximo vulnerable to reverse tabnapping attacks when opening attachments. IE 11 does not support the mechanism used to prevent these attacks. The system property needs to be added manually (as YORN type) in the System Properties application in order to enable it.
346911 IJ20115 All Applications Downloading result set data fails intermittently when using Internet Explorer v11.
346988 IJ20157 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, optimization times out when running a Spatial optimization scenario.
347036 IJ20159 Service Requests In Service Request application, Service Request Work log is disappearing when Viewable ? checkbox is unchecked.
347134 IJ20177 Report Cognos Administration console will not launch using SQL Server JDBC driver 6 on Maximo
347200 IJ20186 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you open the Graphical View tab, the resource view is not displayed in the Gantt chart.
347202 IJ20187 System UI Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2018-1715; CVSS Base Score: 5.4; CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score.
347227 IJ20188 Job Plans In the Job Plans application, when you click the Detail Menu button for some fields and then click Select Value, values are not shown in the Select Value lookup.
347226 IJ20199 Work Execution Work order statuses do not update to COMPLETE if an assignment exists.
347230 IJ20202 System Object Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4650; CVSS Base Score: 6.3; CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score.
347333 IJ20223 Report Errors occur during the calculation of downtime and scheduled hours in the Location Availability report.
347334 IJ20224 System User Interface When using conditional UI, table column colors do not match existing column colors. 
347386 IJ20230 System Properties The Status date field in the Work Order Tracking application truncates the value displayed in the field.
347385 IJ20234 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, an entry in the MultiAssetLocCI table is deleted even if the user has undeleted the task.
347477 IJ20255 Workflow Designer In the Workflow Designer application, on a workflow revision that has more than 1000 nodes, the Save and Save Process Action buttons are disabled.
347476 IJ20256 Purchase Orders In Purchase Order application, unable to approve a Purchase Order that has been revised.
347520 IJ20267 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, a dependency between the Crew and Work Group fields prevents you from changing the value of the Crew field for a work order that has a status of WAPPR.
347518 IJ20268 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Assignment application, some of the right click options do not work in both the Work view and Assignment view tabs.
347519 IJ20272 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, if you change the Display Date format, the dates in Scheduled Dashboard do not match that start end date of the schedule.
347570 IJ20279 Assets In the Assets (CM) application, if a CM item has an image attached, you cannot change the item.
347568 IJ20297 JSON Resouces In the JSON Resources application, when you click the Select Value icon for the Resource Type field, an invalid binding error is displayed.
347569 IJ20307 Purchase Orders Requests through MIF can edit the vendor value of a purchase order after the purchase order receipt is complete.
347584 IJ20318 Multi-Language Utility When you upgrade from Maximo, the language update takes multiple days.     Now, when in a non-english base language upgrade scenario, TDToolkit will only process MAXTABLE elements with internal flag set to 1, avoiding touching user tables that can lead to slowness.
347637 IJ20334 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, decommissioned locations are visible.
347660 IJ20339 Invoices The Line Cost field of an invoice accepts negative values and you are allowed to approve the invoice. 
347672 IJ20355 Reconciliation Tasks In Inventory application, performing a Reconcile Balances action is not working as expected when item is on an Inventory Usage document.
347708 IJ20365 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment (GA) application, when you select Modify Work Details from the right click menu, the work order that was selected is cleared.
347713 IJ20369 Database Configuration Using formula's "concat" function in Database Configuration does not return the expected string in the configured application.
347712 IJ20371 System User Interface List table header icons are displayed incorrectly when the mxe.webclient.mobileSkin property is set to mobile.
347709 IJ20373 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, moving a parent work order to different dates results in changes to the durations of its tasks.
347711 IJ20377 Application Designer Screen focus behavior is erratic.
347710 IJ20378 Work Execution In Work Execution application, when adding time in the Work Center/Report Work, default craft field is set with wrong value  
347723 IJ20392 Assets In the Asset application, under specific conditions, the sort icon (green triangle) appears on the columns which are not related to the sort.
347801 IJ20411 Graphical Scheduling Work queries launched from the Work Order Tracking application fail to return results.
348726 IJ20413 Assets In the Assets application, the 3D View tab displays a blank screen.
347850 IJ20415 Drilldown In Locations application, Location Drilldown not displaying correctly when switching sites while window is open.
347941 IJ20426 Work Order Tracking Users experience poor performance when loading the plan information of a work order.
347942 IJ20443 Assignment Manager In the Assignment Manager application, if you try to assign a labor to a work order that references an asset in a different work zone to the labor, you receive a warning message. If you then click cancel, an error occurs.
347974 IJ20452 System Object Security Scans In Report Administration application, Maximo can become vulnerable to Path traversal security violation. Added a new dialog to enter path of attachment files.
347975 IJ20457 Item Master If you use a script to add items to a storeroom, an error occurs.
348017 IJ20468 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling - Large Project application, when you click the Zoom to Work button, the graphical area of the GANTT view shrinks.
348015 IJ20469 Workflow Administration In the Workflow application, you cannot start a record via RMI.
348031 IJ20471 Crews In the External Systems application, an error occurs when you try to import a valid XML file.
348032 IJ20472 Start Center In the Start Center, when you create a Favorite portlet, then try to edit it, an error occurs.
348307 IJ20475 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling - Large Projects application, a schedule that previously loaded in the Graphical View tab does not load. 
348304 IJ20477 Invoices Maximo allows invoicing for more service items than received when receipts required checkbox is checked in the PO.
348469 IJ20492 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when service level agreements are applied to work orders, you experience slow response times when you try to complete various tasks.
348112 IJ20493 Linked Documents/Attached Documents Configuring a new relationship for Assets to Doclinks does not work when the AssetId value is especially long.
348111 IJ20494 KPI Manager In KPI Manager application, unable to create or duplicate a KPI record.
348159 IJ20507 Work Order Tracking In the Purchase Order application, the "View Item Availability/Purchasing" tab on an approved PO's material line shows cancelled and closed PO records for the item.
348176 IJ20512 Login If a Maximo database is updated from to and the upgrade scripts do not create all required system properties, users see a blank screen when they log in.
348177 IJ20513 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment (GA) application, when you try to cancel or reschedule an assignment in a work order, an error occurs.
348210 IJ20532 Conduct an inspection In the Conduct an inspection application, inspection forms do not relate to parent work orders.
348236 IJ20536 Conduct an inspection In the Conduct an inspection application, when an asset has an attached meter, the inspections questions are not displayed.
348234 IJ20541 Assets Work order location markers in Maximo Scheduler do not display on the map when using Spatial as the map provider.
348359 IJ20592 System User Interface In the Work Center Service Request application, details are cut off when opened in any browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Safari).
348348 IJ20595 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, validation is bypassed on parent field.
348470 IJ20607 Locations In the Locations application, the associated PM is not shown under "View Work Details" if the location is listed as a route stop.
348512 IJ20620 Inventory Usage Using the Maximo Integration Framework, you cannot return a rotating item.
348548 IJ20635 All Applications Unable to download a List tab result set with non-persistent fields.
348545 IJ20637 Graphical Scheduling When you create overlapping shifts that include interruptible shifts, Craft load display problems appear.
348544 IJ20638 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project Child Work Orders are not displayed in the Graphical Scheduler Large Projects (GS-LP) application if the Include Tasks in Schedule option is not selected.
348546 IJ20643 Service Requests The work site ID value does not match the value of the service request ticket site ID.
348618 IJ20646 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, the status cannot be completed when there is an InvUseLine for a condition enabled item, and the item has a condition code with insufficient quantity not used on the InvUseLine.
348622 IJ20649 System Object When users logs in without SSO and allow a time out, the URL given generates a 404 error.  
348767 IJ20698 System User Interface A performance issue with TPAE version 76010 interim fix build 20191017 causes high CPU usage and slow response times.
349170 IJ20720 Migration Manager In Migration Manager, users are unable to deploy security groups for Work Centers.
349304 IJ20756 Conduct an inspection End users cannot add data to an inspection form in the Work Center application.
349594 IJ20810 Preventive Maintenance In Database Configuration application under the PMMETERS object, the Attribute TOLERANCE is spelled as TOLEARNCE
349840 IJ20822 Item Master In a custom application created from the Item Master application, reclassifying an item fails with "BMXAA4214E An unknown error has occurred."
349842 IJ20829 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, you cannot filter on a single column.
349845 IJ20830 Item Master In the Item Master application, when you try to update the classification for an item, an error occurs.
349843 IJ20832 Manage Service Requests In the Service Requests Work Center, the Other field is not large enough.
349844 IJ20835 Login Login Page of Maximo is missing ANTI-CSRF tokens needed to be secure This solution introduces a new system property "mxe.webclient.allowUrlLogin." If set to 0 (default), users will be prevented from logging into Maximo by including the credentials in the URL (i.e. http://<hostname>/maximo/ui/login?login=url&username=wilson&password=wilson). If set to 1, this login method will succeed.
349841 IJ20838 Manage Service Requests In the Manage Service Requests Work Center, menu options do not work.
349923 IJ20874 System Object Security Scans SQL injection vulnerability
349979 IJ20912 Service Requests Users authorized to view locations for a single specific site are able to view locations in other sites despite not being a member of that site's security group.
350095 IJ20947 Users In the User application, it is possible to create users with special characters, but these users cannot log into Maximo.
350359 IJ20953 Assets A work order is not automatically generated when a child asset of a preventitive maintenance record inherits a meter reading value.
350379 IJ20965 Inspection In Inspection Forms application work center, unable to de-select a response for a single choice question
350039 IJ20969 Inventory In the Inventory application, the Average Cost can be updated by read-only users.
350048 IJ20974 System User Interface After installing Maximo Asset Management, users are able to download attachments despite the mxe.doclink.securedAttachment property being set to true.
350158 IJ21006 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the Delete Assignments icon is not displayed.
350240 IJ21018 System User Interface When you create a new purchase requisition record, add a new PR Line item, add an attachment to the PR Line item, and then modify information in the record, for example, the quantity, the PR number is changed upon saving.
350238 IJ21024 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, an error occurs when calculating PM costs.
350244 IJ21033 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, an error is displayed when you add labor in the Actuals tab, Labor subtab.
350251 IJ21034 Crews Database attribute amcrewworkzone.amcrew will not accept vlaues of more than 8 characters even after making length longer via DB configure
350358 IJ21056 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, a query returns a different result set than the same query in The Graphical Scheduling - Large Projects application.
350355 IJ21058 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, when you search for an asset or location by using its full code, multiple assets or locations are returned.
350378 IJ21066 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, PM forecast costs are not generated when calculating PMs.
350486 IJ21072 Profile After you update your profile to set the calendar type to Islamic, applications that use dates use the Islamic calendar only in the current highlighted row.
350485 IJ21084 Purchase Requisitions In the Purchase Requisitions application, you can create a new row in the Log tab of a purchase requisition that has a status of CLOSE.
350484 IJ21087 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project When using Graphical Scheduling - Large Projects, you cannot set the same Alternate Availability Start/End Date for different Crafts
350532 IJ21093 System User Interface The specify a file label and textbox are not aligned when the property is set to tivoli09 and the mxe.webclient.verticalLabels property is set to 1.
350686 IJ21096 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduler application, rotating tool availability is not shown in the Gantt View Tab if a preventive maintenance object is used as a data source.
350589 IJ21112 Labor In the Labor application, deleting a labor code does not delete associated work zone records.
350634 IJ21125 Purchase Requisitions When duplicating a purchase requisition and changing the Quantity or Unit Cost value, updated value does not appear in PR line costs.
350635 IJ21134 Conduct an inspection Conduct inspection application will not open correclty on IOS mobile device
350879 IJ21142 Report Administration In a Maximo public SaaS, unable to generate report request pages. Reports function is not working.
350670 IJ21145 Enterprise Services In the Enterprise Services application, an error occurs when you select COMPCOLUMNNAME in a Set Sub-Record Fields dialog. Added script to increase the field length limit on MAXREPLACEPROC.VALUE.
350671 IJ21147 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, an error occurs when the Refresh icon is clicked.
350673 IJ21153 Scheduler Data Manager The Scheduler Data Manager application fails when the SKDPROJECTID value is greater than 1000.
350962 IJ21179 Service Requests In the Service Requests Work Center, location hierarchies do not appear.
350873 IJ21218 Communication Template When you run the Create Communication action on a Purchase Requisition or Purchase Order that has a CLOSE status, you cannot do a lookup to select recipients.
350833 IJ21219 Inventory In the Inventory Application, an error occurs when returning an item.
350889 IJ21244 Scheduler Multiple changes to fix optimiser defects in both the Graphical Assignment and Graphical Scheduler models.
351223 IJ21292 Object Structures In Maximo Public SaaS environment, unable to import/export PM data
351306 IJ21309 Publish Channels In the Publish Channels application, if you delete a duplicated publish channel but the original publish channel still has its event listener enabled, any transaction on the channel's object will throw a NullPointerException.
351307 IJ21336 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when a graphical assignment fails on the optimization server, the Status field on the "View Optimization Processes" dialog incorrectly shows as "PROCESSED".
351485 IJ21343 System Properties In the Application Designer application, when showcount is set "false" in the application xml definition, the count query continues to be executed.
351604 IJ21447 JSON Mapping When you post to an enterprise service by using an inbound JSON map, an error occurs.
351605 IJ21458 Asset Templates An error occurs when assets are generated from an asset template.
351603 IJ21465 Scheduler Crews not appearing the Graphical Assignment application.
351670 IJ21473 Data Sheet Template Datasheets attached to work orders display the wrong status.
351671 IJ21485 System User Interface In the Tivoli13 skin, field labels are not aligned correctly.
351742 IJ21517 Item Master In the Item Master application, changing the item status to OBSOLETE causes an infinite loop.
351757 IJ21520 License Usage Monitor The license usage monitor application does not work for IBM Control Desk.
352069 IJ21556 Preventive Maintenance Saving a preventive maintenance record deletes the first row of a forecast which causes the preventive maintenance cycle to be skipped and a work order generation failure.
352070 IJ21561 UpdateDB Utitlity When upgrading from Maximo 7608 to 7611, Database attribute worktype.worktype is increased from length 5 to 16
352068 IJ21566 Inventory In the Inventory application, when you transfer an item to a storeroom that uses different issue units, incorrect values are displayed.
352074 IJ21575 Report Administration In the Assets application, when running the 'Asset Availability' report, an error is received when certain asset conditions exist.
352132 IJ21583 System UI Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2019-4749; CVSS Base Score: 5.4; CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.    
352141 IJ21590 Work Order Tracking In Work Order tracking, running report OPEN_WO_RPTDESIGN is failing if Asset referenced on the Workorder has a null value for last meter reading.
352140 IJ21591 All Applications In, after applying IFIX 002, fields in tables do not wrap, instead the width of fields continues to increase with the data inserted.
352207 IJ21602 Everyplace Technician (Lite) In Everyplace application, when setting a default query, the 'orderby' claused is being ignored for the default query
352407 IJ21650 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, after removing and replacing the data sheet on the Data Sheet tab, the previous data sheet value is not deleted from database.
352388 IJ21694 Inventory (Tr) In the Inventory Counting (Tr) application on an environment with Transportation and Asset Configuration Manager, you will receive an "BMXAA4214E - An unknown error has occurred." when using item 335029 with a count frequency of 9999.
352406 IJ21709 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Order application, POLines can be deleted from an approved PO through MIF. Added script IJ21709.dbc to add a system property mxe.oslc.cannotEditApprovedPOPR. This property controls whether MIF can edit an approved PO or approved PR. To use this fix, you must set this system property to 1.
352463 IJ21711 Purchase Orders An error occurs when you process a return of goods in a purchase order.
352693 IJ21758 Linear Assets In the Assets and Assets (HSE) application, an error occurs when using zoom in Google Chrome.
352708 IJ21766 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, an error occurs when changing a task predecessor.
352707 IJ21770 Preventive Maintenance In Preventative Maintenance application, Extended Date functionality is not working as specified in Knowledge center.
352846 IJ21792 Integrity Checker If a view exists in the database but not in Maximo, Integrity Checker reports this as an error instead of a warning.
352847 IJ21796 Invoices In the Invoice application, unable to Approve an Invoice if uninvoiced total is not 0 for any line items that are LIFO/FIFO cost type
352869 IJ21812 Work Order Tracking A database error occurs when the status of a work order is changed to approved.
352868 IJ21813 Desktop Requisitions In Desktop Requisition application, able to add an item that is not in Active status to the requisition line.
352917 IJ21864 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, shift patterns display incorrectly.
353484 IJ21875 Object Structures In Maximo SaaS public, users are unable to create an object structure for Job Plan application. Includes script to resolve alias conflict for MXAPIJOBPLAN.
352955 IJ21876 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling application, data will not display correctly when using a PM related query.
353638 IJ21882 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you add the WORKORDERID column in the Graphical View, the values are displayed as "NaN" instead of actual values.
353642 IJ21927 Labor Reporting In the Labor Reporting application, after new LTTYPE synonym domain values are created for different organizations, the Labor Type takes the latest synonym domain value, irrespective of the organization selected.
353482 IJ21984 System User Interface After installing Maximo IFIX 003, Description fields are misaligned in the Maximo UI. 
353626 IJ21994 Database Configuration In the Database Configuration application, changes to an attribute's title are not reflected in the application until the application server is restarted.
353643 IJ21999 Security Groups Upgrading Maximo to version creates ApplicationAuth records for security groups that do not exist.
353602 IJ22000 System UI Security Scans Security defect; User enumeration. CVE-2018-1715; CVSS Base Score: 5.4; CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score.
353641 IJ22008 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, if the "From Bin" is upper-case and the "To Bin" is the same value but in lower-case, the "From Bin" current balance is not updated correctly when the record status is changed to "Staged."
353553 IJ22032 Inspection In the Inspection Forms Work Center, not all Active Forms are being displayed.
353845 IJ22040 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application Graphical View tab, when you hover over a work order description that has the maximum number of characters that are allowed, the description does not display correctly.
354101 IJ22043 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, clicking on the next record icon gives the message "BMXAA2300I - Do you want to save your changes before continuing?" even though no changes were made to the record.
353604 IJ22048 Integration Modules Despite using the service raiseSkipTransaction() in a script, the script fails to skip the transaction.
353656 IJ22062 System Object If the email listener cron task encounters an invalid character in an email, it cannot process any more emails.
353892 IJ22113 Work Order Tracking In the Purchase Requisition application, the PR Distribution Cost is not copied to the PO created from an RFQ.
354033 IJ22131 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling application, load and availability of Crews does not show up or calculate for a forecasted PM
354100 IJ22135 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, End Time is calculated incorrectly after Start Date and Regular Hours are entered.
354436 IJ22137 All Applications In an Everyplace application, a delay occurs validating a combination box selection.
354360 IJ22229 Inventory In the Inventory application, current balance and inventory cost are mismatched if physical count is performed
354449 IJ22244 System Properties Maximo System Information dialog is missing the Build number for the Work Centers
354503 IJ22274 Application Designer Static text labels that include a <b> tag appear as HTML code in Maximo.
354636 IJ22345 System User Interface In the UI, the shade of grey used for disabled fields is inconsistent when using tivoli12 skin with
354658 IJ22360 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, after receiving a "BMXAA0159W - The new date will result in scheduled dates being later than the finish constraint date. Click OK to apply the date changes" warning while assigning a labor, the labor field will not populate with the labor selected even though OK was clicked.
354749 IJ22361 Budget Monitoring If you hide the navigational panel, text strings are still visible from the Budget Monitoring application.
354699 IJ22366 System User Interface Unable to conditionally change background color for a field in Maximo
354781 IJ22378 Assets When you change the classification of an asset record and then save it, the class specification section of the record is removed.  Class Specification section is completely removed, when saving an asset record after changing classification
354782 IJ22381 Crews In the Crew application, a crew can be deleted even if it's being used on a PM or WO.
354780 IJ22399 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling application, Lead / Lag hours do not calculate correctly for an interruptible task.
355205 IJ22419 Manage Inspection In the Manage Inspection application, after modifying the question, the meter changes to a different value. Meter info fetched from manage inspection should retrieve the exact meter, independent of how similar the names are.
354856 IJ22455 Create Service Requests In duplicated Create SR application, unable to attach a document to the record. Error BMXAA6152E is received when attempting to do so. 
354947 IJ22481 Database Data When upgrading to Maximo version, Column attribute Worktype.Worktype is being increased from length 5 to 16
354959 IJ22487 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, an error occurs when you select a commodity group.
354958 IJ22493 Ticket Templates In Ticket Template application, when revising a job plan with description associated to the template, the ticket template description is not updated
355048 IJ22505 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the Craft Usage vs Availability graph disappears when you move a task or work order while a filter is applied.
355049 IJ22511 Assignment Manager In Assignment Manager Application, an error message is missing text. Seeing "crew#WorkHoursTooLong" instead of correct error message
355050 IJ22529 Job Plans In Job Plans application, user is able attach documents to Job Plans in Revised status
355072 IJ22541 Linear Assets The Linear Visual Control grid experiences performance issues and time out events when viewing a large number of linear assets.
355498 IJ22576 Graphical Assignment In Graphical assignment application, running optimization engine on the day a Work order is scheduled to start, is making a double booking for that day.
355325 IJ22590 Invoices You cannot approve an invoice after the credit invoice is raised.
355343 IJ22591 Database Data Intermittent out of memory issues occur if Work order table has very large amount of data
355401 IJ22626 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the OPASCPS optimization model is available to deploy even if the Aviation module is not installed.
355580 IJ22667 Start Center In Maximo Start Center, Error is received when attempting to configure a result set portlet
355602 IJ22696 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you click Select Value in the GL Account field, invalid GL account components are returned if the system property is set to 1.  
355679 IJ22704 Work Execution In Work Centers, Conditional expressions are not being considered when setting on values in the dropdown list.
355677 IJ22705 Work Order Tracking In the Locations application, the error ""BMXAA2256E - Field Classification is read-only. More information" is thrown after trying to change the associated rotating item.
355689 IJ22708 Work Order Tracking In Work Order Everyplace application, after duplicating the application in App designer, the line type for material is defaulting as 'Item' when line type 'Material' is chosen
355674 IJ22722 Integration Modules After importing JSON data via enterprise service, the JSON Mapping does not export the data in xml to the external system.
355841 IJ22724 Purchase Orders In Purchase Contracts, cannot approve release PO for full amount if PO was entered into INPRG status first.
355798 IJ22748 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application list view, when you hover over the information icon in the Assets column, the asset details dialog is not displayed.
355822 IJ22751 All Applications TPAE code changes to support Anywhere push notifications.
356041 IJ22757 Workflow Designer In Workflow designer application, if more than a thousand nodes are present, save button is greyed out
356040 IJ22796 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduler application, many schedules do not display the availability of the craft and/or t he craft usage in the resource section of the Graphical View tab.
356191 IJ22830 Assets When loading the Assets application, the user receives a 'Cannot load TreeGrid source data' error.
356381 IJ22831 Application Designer In Application Designer application, when modifying Work Order Tracking and Assets app.xml, customization's are reverting back to those OOTB
356278 IJ22845 Publish Channels In Publish Channels application, DateTime seconds value is being ignored during data evaluation
356430 IJ22850 System Properties SMTP configuration sending of notifications not functioning correctly on a Multi Tenant Maximo environment
356320 IJ22855 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, the target start date from the parent WO is shown instead of the date from the child WO.
356341 IJ22879 Database Data When upgrading from Maximo to, receiving an Integrity checker warning after running update DB function.
356380 IJ22888 Domains In Domains application, error 'BMXAA4049E - The value specified exceeds the maximum field length' displays when adding new value to the Defaultworktype domain.
356464 IJ22938 Purchase Requisitions In Purchase Requisitions application, a PR line can be deleted via integration when PR in approved status Added script IJ21709.dbc to add a system property mxe.oslc.cannotEditApprovedPOPR. This property controls whether MIF can edit an approved PO or approved PR. To use this fix, you must set this system property to 1.
356816 IJ22986 Budget Monitoring An error occurs in ASYNCJOB if you do not select the Run Immediately option to update budget lines.
356913 IJ23030 Request for Quotations In Request for Quotations application, error is received when creating a contract for a line with a Special Order Item
357037 IJ23074 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In Graphical Scheduling application, the tooltip in the Gant bar is being displayed in wrong date format.
357034 IJ23078 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In Scheduler application, receiving StringIndexOutOfBoundsException, when system property 'skd.avail.overlap' is set to 1.
357070 IJ23085 Work Order Tracking In Work Order application, planned services should not be allowed to be updated after after a PR has been generated for the Work Order
357406 IJ23086 Everyplace Technician (Lite) In Everyplace Work Order application, 'Find a record' feature is not working when using Arabic language
357230 IJ23088 Graphical Assignment In Scheduler application, unable to drag and drop assignment in the gant view. receiving error ''To many units in gant column header"
357157 IJ23101 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling and Graphical Assignment (GA) applications, when you click Select Date, and Jump to that Date in the Schedule, the day before the selected date is displayed.
357243 IJ23158 Database Data In the Assets application, when Importing data in .csv file format, the date is getting converted incorrectly when date is in 4 digit format
357361 IJ23166 Assets In the Asset application, the error "BMXAA0029E - You are not authorized to perform this action for this record" is thrown when filtering by linear asset from open drill down in the Advanced Search action.
357359 IJ23181 Scheduler In Graphical Scheduling application, the grab handle is not functioning correctly after Gant View is opened
357433 IJ23202 Inspection In Inspections application, when performing batch inspections, inspections card is not updating to completed. Remains as In Progress.
357462 IJ23230 System User Interface Maximo Spatial map tool icons do not display correctly when an application is defined as mobile in the application designer.
357463 IJ23233 System User Interface In Maximo Start Center, downloading a result set causing an error to display when using IE 11
357461 IJ23243 Inventory When running Inventory reorder report (invpurch.rptdrsign), and inventory quantity is a decimal value, report calculates reorder quantity incorrectly
357501 IJ23355 End Points The Endpoint values for HTTPCONNTIMEOUT and HTTPREADTIMEOUT are not being taken into account during integration transactions
357683 IJ23363 Receiving In Receiving application an error is displayed when receiving and item that is condition enabled and also has distributed costs
357682 IJ23364 Object Structures In the Object Structures application, there is no object structure for ROUTES or ROUTE_STOP. Added new object structure MXAPIROUTES for the Routes and Route_Stop objects.
357947 IJ23412 Work Execution In Work Execution application, the Start and Stop timer functions are not working
357857 IJ23588 Map Manager In Service Requests Maps Tab, single clicking on 'Find Location' has window disappear unexpectedly
358321 IJ23613 Exchange Rates With Maximo exchange rates there is an incorrect calculation when receiving a Service when a secondary currency is involved
358111 IJ23638 Inspection In Inspections Forms application, error is received if 0 is entered for numeric response
358115 IJ23653 Work Execution In Work Execution application, work hours are displayed as not Saved after save is performed.
358563 IJ23740 Receiving In the Receiving application, when receiving a rotating item, ASSETTRANS.POSITEID is not getting populated
358453 IJ23786 Graphical Scheduling When running Scheduler Optimization, and exception is seen in the logs with ODME version 3.9.0
358456 IJ23801 Integration Modules Using integration REST API there is an issue receiving Non Stock (NS) designated items into Maximo
358632 IJ23871 All Applications In Maximo UI, HTML tags can be entered in fields on the screen
358693 IJ23895 All Applications Character misalignment occurs when field labels are configured to be displayed above field values using the property mxe.webclient.verticalLabels while the hidelable property is in affect.
358695 IJ23921 Job Plans In Job Plans application, when setting a predecessor in a nested Job plan, is not flowing to child Work Orders
358789 IJ23965 System Properties In Maximo logs there are listed many errors when LDAP is enabled
358741 IJ23969 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order application, the viewer blinks and disappears on the 3D View tab.
358871 IJ24034 Work Order Tracking In Work Order application, unable to attach documents to a history Work order when Edit History signature option is chosen for the application
359018 IJ24079 Work Order Tracking In Maximo UI, when selecting white space next to checkbox field, it is interacting with the field
359021 IJ24085 Conduct an inspection Upgrading to Maximo creates an integrity issue for the INSPRESULTFORM object. The INSPRESULTFORM object is defined as SYSTEM instead of SITE level.
359020 IJ24089 System UI Security Scans In Maximo, Create Link function in Rich text editor dialog is vulnerable to reverse tabnapping
359015 IJ24090 Graphical Assignment When using Crews in Graphical Assignment, assignments made on the Assignment View tab do not save when a scenario is active.
359014 IJ24097 Work Order Tracking (SP) In the Work Order Tracking (SP) application Map tab, if you open the Query by Attributes dialog, it remains open when you move to the Service Address tab.
359416 IJ24160 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduler application, printing to PDF button is not functioning.
359420 IJ24165 Service Requests In Labor reporting application, not able to approve Labor that was entered on a closed Service Request
359280 IJ24169 Assets Buttons labeled Max, Clear, and Close unintentionally appear near the All Bookmarks button of the HSE application.
359279 IJ24170 Graphical Scheduling The Discard Changes and Refresh Selected Work Records action is not removing Tasks from the work order Gantt view.
359343 IJ24177 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the Duration of a Work Order changes after performing CPM if the Start Date is moved to a later date in the schedule.  
359455 IJ24178 Configurable Start Center When logging into Maximo SaaS, and setting default application for the user, an error will be received upon log in.
359345 IJ24190 Login When logging in to Maximo via login page, If Login User name has a single quote in it, an error will display "BMXAA6714E - The data for the next record in the mboset could not be retrieved.."
359352 IJ24199 System User Interface In Application Designer, when setting Static text control on the UI, the text wraps unexpectedly
359421 IJ24224 System User Interface In Asset Application, after installing IFIX 5 for Maximo with I.E. 11, the GoTo menu function is not working.
359418 IJ24227 Message Reprocessing The Message Reprocessing application is converting special characters to HTML entitites in error messages.
359671 IJ24279 All Applications Rich text editor font setting does not match what is being viewed in the Rich text viewer.
359762 IJ24322 Start Center In Maximo Start Center, some code is missing, causing data base connection leaks to occur
359823 IJ24372 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling application, error 'BMXAT0048E' is received when clicking 'Calculate PM cost'
359819 IJ24385 Inventory In the Inventory application, when an quantity update is made for expiration, the value "Expired Quantity in Stock" (INVENTORY.EXPIREDQTY) changes across all items in different Sites.  
359956 IJ24396 Work Order Tracking In Work Order application, Work Order assignment is not being deleted when the Work Order is deleted.
360363 IJ24482 Graphical Assignment An error occurs when performing an assignment in the graphical assignment application in environments that include Maximo Scheduler and Maximo for Transportation  
360623 IJ24748 Assignment Manager In Assignment Manager application, the Labor Allocation field value on the downloaded spreadsheet, is differing what is displayed in the application.
361596 IJ24958 Work Order Tracking In Maximo logs an error is displayed when user accesses Work order tracking application. This occurs after applying IFIX006
361825 IJ25024 Service Requests In Service Request Work Center application, the location site is not considered when creating a Service Request . Updating LOCATIONS relationship to include SITEID in where clause.
361826 IJ25026 Database Data During a Maximo database failover event with SQL server, database connections are being closed . Data is being lost
361974 IJ25028 Assignment Manager In Assignment Manager application, when a shift spans two calendar dates, allocated vacation is not properly calculated
361823 IJ25030 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, interruptible milestones cannot be moved past the current work week.
361907 IJ25098 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In Graphical Scheduling and Graphical Scheduling Large Projects applications, the single schedule frequency field on the Compliance tab does not work for continuous frequency.
362018 IJ25134 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, costs are not calculated when comparing scenarios.
362202 IJ25160 Reorder In Inventory application, Maximo Inventory Reorder routine is failing after adding Ifix012 to Maximo version
362318 IJ25181 Graphical Scheduling In Scheduler application, following error occurs when running optimization 'Failure Type: UNRECOVERABLE CIVOO2477E: Unrecoverable Solve Failure in the solve ilog.odm.decision.IloDecisionException: Impossible to load model.'
362432 IJ25277 System Object With Maximo Object structures, the relationship found in the MXAPISR object structure is being shown as WORKLOG instead of UXWORKLOG. This causes the Work Center Service Request to crash and causes the performance problem in Maximo.
363092 IJ25333 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, The work order task scheduled start dates are not being updated when labor assignment scenarios are published .
363345 IJ25456 Report When Running a Cognos report for Maximo, the Cognos report published from Maximo returns no data if MAXUSER.USERID and MAXUSER.LOGINID are different values.  
363650 IJ25551 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, an error occurs when performing CPM.
363806 IJ25581 Appointment Book Manager In the Appointment Book Manager application, the appointment window shows entries for the first day only.
364316 IJ25625 Assets The Assets application does not load correctly.
364364 IJ25671 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, gaps in craft availability appear even when a work period exists.
364693 IJ25707 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Assignment application, Graphical Assignment Spatial Optimization reschedules completed work when 'Finish No Later Than' (FNL) date is before the earliest shift period.
364927 IJ25762 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, tasks that do not meet the filter criteria are shown.

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