Fix Readme


This fix pack updates IBM® Maximo® Asset Management version 7.6.1,, and


IBM Maximo Asset Management Fix Pack is available at Fix Central.

Prerequisites and supported upgrade paths

You can install Maximo Asset Management fix pack if you have any previous 7.6.1 version of Maximo Asset Management installed.

What's new

Learn more about What's new in Maximo Asset Management

Planning to deploy

Ensure that you complete planning tasks before you install the fix pack to avoid problems that may occur during installation.

Before you begin

Verifying the download
The Fix Pack was signed and verified with Java Code Signing. To verify the after downloading, use a Java 8 jarsigner tool to confirm that the compressed file was not corrupted during the download. For example:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_321\bin>jarsigner -verify C:\Users\myuser\DownloadDirector\

jar verified.

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_321\bin>

When you make customizations or changes that require you to rebuild the EAR file, clear the WebSphere® Application Server cache. Learn more about clearing the WebSphere Application Server cache.

Any customizations that are made to commonenv.bat are lost when this fix pack is applied.


  1. Open the release notes and review all the technotes that are created for Maximo Asset Management
    1. Technotes documenting installation issues
    2. Technotes documenting product issues
  2. If you open to this URL and technotes were not created, you receive a browser message that says that no documents match your query. When technotes are created, they are displayed.  In particular, refer to the technote Roll Up Maintenance Costs prior to applying the fix pack.
  3. Ensure that the middleware servers like database and LDAP servers are running.
  • If you are not using the updateDBLite process and are installing on WebSphere Application Server, ensure that the Maximo applications are stopped.
  • If you are not using the updateDBLite process and are installing on an Oracle WebLogic Server, shut down the server before you run the installation program.
  1. Back up your database.
  2. Back up the entire Maximo 7.6.1 installation (SMP) directory.
  3. Back up your BIRT reports. This backup is only used if a failure occurs with the fix pack update.
    1. Export all of your existing reports from your V7 database to a new report directory.
    2. Name the report directory for future identification. For example, <v7\reports\birt\DatabaseExport_Pre7.6.1.3 update. Learn more about exporting reports.
    3. Navigate to the location of your existing reports directory: <v7install_dir>\reports\birt\reports
    4. Copy the reports directory and rename it for ease of identification, for example: <7install_dir>reports\birt\Reportsource_Pre7.6.1.3 update

To support the Data Set Designer application, starting with Maximo report object structures are updated to enable the Support Flat Structure field. Report object structures are used in various locations in Maximo Asset Management, including Ad Hoc Reporting, Result Set portlets, and Cognos metadata package publishing.

All standard report object structures are updated and a script is provided to update any custom report object structures that you created.

Review your custom report object structures for alias conflicts. Alias conflicts occur when the same attribute name is used in multiple objects in the object structure. If you do not correct alias conflicts, problems might occur if you use them in the Data Set Designer features.

What to do next

Learn more about custom report source recommendations.

Learn more about reporting using Maximo Asset Management and Cognos®.

Installing the fix pack

Use the Maximo Asset Management installation files to install the fix pack.

Before you begin

If you are not using the updateDBLite process, ensure that no database configuration changes are pending. Shut down all Maximo Asset Management applications and backup the database. Copy the Maximo Asset Management directory and save it to another location.

For Microsoft Windows Server, log in as a member of the local Administrators group. If you attempt to upgrade when you are not logged in as an administrator, the installation fails. This fix pack is provided as an Installation Manager compressed file. When the fix pack is installed by using the Installation Manager program, the existing Maximo Asset Management directory structure is overwritten. The fix pack also contains database scripts that modify the existing database.

To reverse the changes, you must restore the earlier version of the Maximo Asset Management directory and database that you saved to another location.


  1. Download the compressed file. Copy it to the administrative server machine.
  2. Run the Installation Manager from the following directory:
    • Windows: Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager
    • UNIX: In the /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse directory, run the IBMIM command.
  3. In the Installation Manager main window, click File > Preferences.
  4. Click Add Repository.
  5. Add the repository for IBM® Maximo Asset Management. Click OK.
  6. In the Preferences dialog box, click OK.
  7. Click the Update icon.
  8. In the Update Packages dialog, select the IBM Tivoli's process automation suite package group. Click Next.
  9. To complete the installation, follow the on-screen instructions.
  10. When the installation is complete, exit Installation Manager.
  11. To complete the installation, you must configure Maximo Asset Management and rebuild and redeploy the .ear file. See the Configuring the Maximo Asset Management fix pack section of this readme for details on this process.

What to do next

Before users use the updated software, delete the web browser cache on every computer that uses the product.

Configuring the fix pack

You can configure the fix pack by using the automated user interface (UI) configuration tool, the command line (CLI) interface configuration tool, or manually.

Configuring the fix pack by using the UI configuration tool

You can automatically configure the fix pack by using the UI configuration tool, which removes the need for manual tasks.

Before you begin

Before you use the UI configuration tool to update the database, you must manually stop the Maximo application server, for example, MXServer.


  1. Start the UI configuration tool.
    • Navigate to C:\IBM\SMP\ConfigTool\ConfigUI.exe or <InstallLocation>\ConfigTool\ConfigUI.exe.
    • For UNIX, navigate to the <installLocation>/ConfigTool directory and run ConfigUI. For example, /opt/IBM/SMP/ConfigTool/ConfigUI.
  2. In the Deployment Operations pane, select Update Database, Build and Deploy Application EAR Files.
  3. To complete the configuration, follow the on-screen instructions.

Configuring the fix pack using the CLI configuration tool

You can automatically configure the fix pack by using the CLI configuration tool, which removes the need for manual tasks.

Before you begin

Before you use the CLI configuration tool to update the database, you must manually stop the Maximo application server, for example, MXServer.


  1. Change to the <installLocation>/ConfigTool/scripts directory, for example: C:\IBM\SMP\ConfigTool\scripts
  2. To update the system, run the configuration tool command: reconfigurePae.bat -action updateApplication -updatedb -deploymaximoear -wasuser -wasadmin -waspwd <wasadmin_password>

Configuring the fix pack manually

To manually configure the fix pack, use the updateDB utility.

Before you begin

Before you update the database, you must manually stop the Maximo application server, for example, MXServer.


  1. To use the updateDB utility to run all of the fix pack database scripts, change the directory to the <maximo root>\tools\maximo directory, and run the updateDB utility.
    • For Windows, from a command prompt, change the directory to C:\IBM\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo and run the updatedb.bat file.
    • For UNIX, from a terminal window, change the directory to /opt/IBM/SMP/maximo/tools/maximo and run the / file.
  2. Delete the application server cache folders:
    • For Oracle WebLogic Server delete the cache and tmp folders. For example, for Windows, delete C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\wl_server\servers\AdminServer\cache and C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\wl_server\servers\AdminServer\tmp.
    • For the WebSphere Application Server, delete the cache folder in the <WebSphere_Root>\AppServer\profiles\Custom01\temp\<machinename>Node01\MAXIMOSERVER\MXServer directory.
  3. Delete the web browser cache on every computer that uses Maximo base services.
  4. Rebuild and redeploy the EAR files, and then restart the application server.

Importing report design files into Maximo Asset Management

This fix pack contains new and updated report design files. If you previously customized BIRT reports, the customizations might be overwritten when this fix pack is installed. You can also review any reports that you created to ensure that they are displayed correctly. After you install the fix pack, use the report import utility to import any necessary design file updates to your existing reports. Learn more about importing reports by accessing the Maximo 7.6 Report Development Guide.


  1. On the administrative server, browse to <install_home>\maximo\reports\birt\tools.
  2. Open the file. This file indicates the location that the reports are imported to.
  3. Edit the file to meet your system requirements.
  4. Run the importreports.cmd to import your report design files. You can also run variations of this command to import only a subset of reports. Learn more about reporting by accessing the Maximo 7.6 Report Development Guide.

Resolved defects

The attached spreadsheet contains a complete list of defects and security defects fixed, and supported platforms in Maximo Asset Management


Change log
- 12 September 2022 - Uploaded current Resolved Defects file (Maximo_7.6.1.3_Information_v2.xlsx).
- 6 October 2022 - Uploaded current Resolved Defects file (Maximo_7.6.1.3_Information_v3.xlsx). Corrected download verification instructions.

Document Information

More support for:
IBM Maximo Asset Management


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Modified date:
11 October 2022

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