Obtain the interim fixes
The interim fixes are available on Fix Central:
Pre-installation steps
System requirements:
For the third interim fix, you must first install the MobileFirst interim fix, and you must install Android Build Tools 28.0.3 and Android SDK 28 platform tools. You still run API 23 as a target.
A minimum of Oracle Java version 1.7 is required for iOS and Windows platforms.
Oracle Java 1.8 is required for Android.
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for push notifications on Android:
Back up and record configurations:
Before proceeding, make a complete backup of the following folders. Default folder locations are provided below.
Maximo Admin Workstation: /IBM/SMP
Maximo Anywhere Build Server: /IBM/Anywhere
Also, make a complete backup of the Maximo database instance.
Check and record any custom WebSphere Application Server configurations, such as module bindings, virtual hosts, and environment property settings.
Install the MobileFirst interim fix (IFIX)
Install the MobileFirst interim fix (IFIX) from the following link by downloading MFPF-IF201903291256
Note: This version is required for FCM support on MobileFirst version 7.1
Ensure that MobileFirst server is up and running.
1. Open Installation Manager
2. Go to the File menu, select Preferences, and add a new repository.
3. Point the repository to the MobileFirst_Platform_Server\disk1\diskTag.inf file in the extracted IFIX folder.
4. Click Update
5. Select the MobileFirst Installation folder.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Next.
8. Accept the License agreement.
9. Click Update.
10. When the update has completed, open the Server Configuration Tool.
11. Select the Run time from top left hand corner.
12. From the Configurations menu, choose Upgrade a previous configuration.
13. Specify the passwords, and click OK.
14. Restart the MobileFirst server.
15. Open the MobileFirst Console, and open the About screen. The server version should be
16. After you install the MobileFirst interim fix, back up your \IBM\Anywhere\MaximoAnywhere\libs\build directory.
17. Copy the following 3 files from the \IBM\MobileFirst_Platform_Server\WorklightServer directory, and paste them into the \IBM\Anywhere\MaximoAnywhere\libs\build directory:
- worklight-ant-builder.jar
- worklight-ant-deployer.jar
- worklight-jee-library.jar
Install Android build tools 28.0.3 and Android SDK 28 platform tools, and run Android API 23 as a target
Open SDK Manager.exe from c:\android-sdk directory and install android SDK build tools 28 and platform-tools 28
Mac OS can be used as a build machine to generate .apk for android platform if android SDK has been installed
Open a terminal session and navigate to the /users/mayon/android-sdks/tools/bin directory
Enter ./sdkmanager --list command to show what has been installed
Output should show that the following have been installed:
Android SDK Build-Tools 23.0.3
Android SDK Build-Tools 28.0.1
Android SDK Platform-Tools 28.0.2
Android API 23
Update the IBM Maximo Asset Management environment
1. Download and extract the oslcos_pmp_deploy_latest.zip and anywhereadmin_pmp_deploy_latest.zip files to the ../IBM/SMP/maximo directory.
2. Update the database and build and deploy the EAR file from the Tivoli's process automation suite configuration tool. Run the Update Database and Build and Deploy Application EAR Files option.
Install the apps
To install the apps, complete the following steps:
1. Download and extract the platform-Latest.delta.zip file to the install_home/MaximoAnywhere/platform directory.
2. On Windows and Linux, extract the MaximoAnywhere_7.6.3.latest.delta.zip file to the install_home/MaximoAnywhere directory. Overwrite the existing MaximoAnywhere directory.
For Mac OS x systems, extract the file to a different location. Do not use Finder to overwrite the existing MaximoAnywhere directory. Instead, in a terminal, use ditto and run the following command: ditto <from_folder> <destination_folder>.
3. Extract the MaximoAnywhere/build/config/app_artifacts_previous.zip file into the MaximoAnywhere/apps path.
4. Run the following command to upgrade your WorkExecution.xml file to the latest version:
ant -f app-sparse-xml-processor.xml upgrade-previous-release-app-artifacts
6. If you are building Android apps, update your build.properties property to specify the version of the Android SDK that you are using, for example, Android_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME=android-23. Also, you must download the same Android SDK in your Android SDK Manager. Android 23 SDK is the minimum supported version for Android 7 apps. Otherwise, Android 21 SDK is the minimum supported version.
7. For Windows, run the following command:
build.cmd update-platform
For Mac OS X, run the following command:
./build.sh update-platform
8. Run the anywhere-rdfs-puller.xml file that is in the MaximoAnywhere directory.
9. For Windows, run the following command:
build.cmd all
For Mac OS X, run the following command:
./build.sh all
Post-installation steps
If you have customized your Maximo Object Structures rerun the OSLC RDF Puller to pull the latest OSLC RDF documents:
Reapply any changes you might have made to the app-feature.properties file to reenable any custom properties you might have changed.
Verifying that your local customizations still exist:
Run a comparison tool like Beyond Compare to compare your backed up directory to the newly updated one.
Verify that any (class files, device native code or javascript) customizations you have made are still in place, and reapply them if not.
Verify that your app.xml file changes are still there.
Verify that the bundleids in your application-description.xml file are correct.
Verify that any custom WebSphere Application Server configurations, such as module bindings, virtual hosts, and environment property settings are still there.
If you have customized the logos on the login screen or any of the platform XML files, you must manually reapply those changes.
Resolved issues
The following issues are resolved in the Maximo Anywhere 7.6.3 interim fixes:
First interim fix:
Second interim fix:
Third interim fix: