Saturday 8 February 2020

Maximo Scripting – Warnings and Errors

Maximo errors in 7.5 version used to get done by setting errorgroup, errorkey and params variables (full example here).
woPriority = mbo.getInt("WOPRIORITY")
if woPriority > 50:
    # Raise an error using a message
    errorgroup = "workorder"
    errorkey = "invalidPrio"
Setting those did not stop the execution, as the execution will continue till the end of that script and then it will check the flags and throw the error. Often this may not be the expected behavior. To fix this issue, in 7.6 the global “service” variable can be used to throw errors and warnings.
service.error("po", "novendor") 

Warning message

Showing a warning message can be done fairly easily with automation scripts. Say we want to show a warning to the users when they save a PO with no lines.
To do this, first we need to create a warning message from the messages dialog in the db config application. Say we name it “nolines” under the message group “po”.
We create an Object Launch Point – Save event on Add and Update. The code below (py) validates the POLINE count and uses the “service” global variable to show the warning.
if mbo.getMboSet("POLINE").count()==0 and interactive:
    service.setWarning("po", "nolines", None)

Maximo Scripting – Yes/No/Cancel dialog

YNC (Yes, No, Cancel) interactions can now be implemented using automation scripts. We need to do some prep work before writing the script. First we need to define a message that support the YNC interaction. Make sure you have the message as informational (I) and support the Yes and No buttons.
The use case below launches a yes/no dialog when the priority is set to 1. It asks the user if the he/she wants to set a default vendor for this. If the user select “yes” the script will set the default vendor A0001 and will mark the vendor field as required. If the user selects “no” vendor is marked as not required.
The script shown below associates the var v with vendor and is added as an Attribute Launch point script with “action” event. “assetpr” has been defined in the “asset” group as an informational message with buttons Y and N enabled.
def yes(): 
     global v,v_required 
     v = "A0001" 
     v_required = True 
 def no(): 
     global v,v_required 
     v_required = False; 
 def dflt(): 
     params = [str(priority)] 
     service.yncerror("asset", "assetpr", params) 
 cases = {service.YNC_NULL:dflt, service.YNC_YES:yes, service.YNC_NO:no} 
 if interactive: 
    if priority==1: 
       x = service.yncuserinput() 

Thursday 6 February 2020

Maximo Anywhere videos

IBM Maximo Anywhere 7.6.3:

This set of videos goes over the installation of Maximo Anywhere using a DB2 database and WebSphere Liberty, and choosing the Android platform:
This set of videos goes over the installation of Maximo Anywhere using a MySQL database and WebSphere Liberty, and choosing the Android platform:
This set of videos goes over the installation of Maximo Anywhere using an Oracle database and WebSphere Liberty, and choosing the Android platform:

IBM Maximo Anywhere 7.6.2:

This set of videos goes over the installation of Maximo Anywhere using a DB2 database and WebSphere Liberty, and choosing the Android platform:
This set of videos goes over the installation of Maximo Anywhere using a MySQL database and WebSphere Liberty, and choosing the Android platform:
This set of videos goes over the installation of Maximo Anywhere using an Oracle database and WebSphere Liberty, and choosing the Android platform:

Maximo Anywhere Fix packs and interim fixes

This page includes links to the various Maximo Anywhere fix packs and interim fixes and their readmes:

Maximo Anywhere

To access the fix pack for, click on the following link:
To access the readme for this fix pack, click on the following link:

Maximo Anywhere interim fixes:

To access the interim fixes for, click on the following link:
To access the readme for these interim fixes, click on the following link:

Maximo Anywhere interim fixes:

To access the interim fixes for, click on the following link:
To access the readme for these interim fixes, click on the following link:

Cloning Maximo/ICD 7.6 is not supported

Cloning Maximo/ICD 7.6 is not supported


It has been more than a month since I wrote my last blog. In the previous versions of Maximo like Maximo 7.5, there is documentation to clone an environment. You can try to clone a Maximo 7.5 environment, and it can work without issues. However if you encounter errors that are impossible to fix with the cloning process and/or other component installs into this environment, you may need to do the 'original' installs on the new administrative workstation.

In Maximo and/or ICD 7.6, cloning of an environment is officially not supported. Maximo 7.6 has a different setup than Maximo 7.5. For one, the installation is different, because Maximo 7.6 is installed through the IBM Installation Manager. It is configured using Tivoli's Process Automation Engine Configuration Program. Another consideration is that Deployment Engine is not used in this latest version of Maximo.

For your information, you can install more than one TPAE product in a single installation on an administrative workstation (e.g. Install both Maximo 7.6 and ICD 7.6). In this way, the process of creating an environment with multiple TPAE products is easier and will take lesser time with comparison to installing TPAE products one at a time. Below is a screenshot that shows an example of what I just described:


Well, that's it for my blog entry. I just want to inform everyone that will read that cloning the latest version of Maximo is not supported. If you need to make an identical environment to your existing 7.6 environment, do the same original installations in the new administrative workstation. If you need to move data from one environment to another, take a back up of the source database and then refresh it to the target database. I hope this information helps you!

Installing Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v8.5.5 liberty profile

NOTE: The following information is provided as-is and does not describe an officially-supported configuration. 

Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 can be installed in a WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment v8.5.5 liberty profile. WebSphere Application Server liberty profiles are dynamic in nature and they allow the WebSphere Application Server server to provision only the features needed by the application which contributes to faster load speed and a smaller footprint.
To install Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v8.5.5 liberty profile, you must install the product, manually create a database, modify files, and then rebuild the Maximo Asset Management and deploy Maximo Asset Management EAR files.
  1. Install DB2 v10.5.
    1. Log in to the target system as a user with administrative authority. If you are running the IBM Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 installation program from a Linux or UNIX terminal window, you must be logged in as the root user.
    2. Start the IBM Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 installation program from the launchpad. 
    3. From the Install Product panel, select IBM DB2 v10.5 and then click Install IBM Maximo Asset Management components.
    4. In the package selection panel, click Next.
    5. In the package prerequisite validation panel, review the results of the prerequisite check and then click Next. If any errors are reported on this panel, resolve the issue and then click Recheck Status before continuing.
    6. In the license agreement panel, review the license information for each package being installed, select I accept the terms in the license agreements if you agree with the terms, and then click Next.
    7. In the Installation Manager installation location panel, specify path information for the shared resources directory and the Installation Manager installation directory, and then click Next. Installation Manager is the installation framework that is used to install Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 components. The shared resources directory is a common workspace directory used by Installation Manager when installing packages.
    8. In the package installation location panel, select a package group, specify the path information for its installation directory, and then click Next. Repeat this process for each package group listed.
    9. In the package translations panel, specify language support for DB2, and then click Next.
    10. In the package features panel, leave all default options checked, and then click Next.
    11. In the package configuration panel, specify configuration information for DB2 v10.5, and then click Next.
    12. In the package summary panel, review the information for the planned installation, and then click Install.
  2. Install Maximo Asset Management v7.6.
    1. Log in to the Maximo Asset Management administrative workstation. If you run the IBM Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 installation program from a Linux or UNIX terminal window, you must be logged in as the root user.
    2. Launch the IBM Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 installation program from the launchpad.
    3. From the Install Product panel, select IBM Maximo Asset Management v7.6 and then click Install IBM Maximo Asset Management components.
    4. In the package selection panel, click Next.
    5. In the package prerequisite validation panel, review the results of the prerequisite check, and then click Next. If any errors are reported on this panel, resolve the issue and then click Recheck Status before continuing.
    6. In the license agreement panel, review the license information for each package being installed, select I accept the terms in the license agreements if you agree with the terms, and then click Next.
    7. In the Installation Manager installation location panel, specify path information for the shared resources directory and the Installation Manager installation directory, and then click Next. Installation Manager is the installation framework that is used to install Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 components. The shared resources directory is a common workspace directory used by Installation Manager when installing packages.
    8. In the package installation location panel, select the IBM Tivoli’s process automation suite package group, specify the path information for the Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 installation directory, and then click Next.
    9. In the package features panel, leave all default options checked, and then click Next.
    10. In the package summary panel, review the information for the planned installation, and then click Install. If you install in a non-English environment, you might notice the environment summary is listed as English. You configure supported languages for Maximo Asset Management later with the Maximo Asset Management configuration program.
    11. After the installation is complete, select the option to start the Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 configuration program, and then click Finish. The Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 installation program exits and the Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 configuration program is started automatically. Exit the Maximo Asset Management version 7.6 configuration program
  3. Manually configure DB2 v10.5.
    1. Log in to the DB2 host system as a user that has administrative permissions on the system.
    2. Create system users if they do not exist on the system.
  • db2admin
  • maximo
Linux or UNIX
  • db2admin
  • maximo
  • ctgfenc1
  • ctginst1
The ctginst1 user ID must be assigned to db2iadm1 as its primary group.
  1. Open a console window and set up the DB2 environment.
Linux or UNIX
Ensure that the /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/bin, /opt/ibm/db2/v10.5/ instance, and /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/adm directories are added to your PATH.
  1. Create the DB2 instance:
db2icrt -s ese -u db2admin,myPassword -r 50005,50005 ctginst1

set db2instance=ctginst1


db2 update dbm config using SVCENAME 50005 DEFERRED


db2set DB2COMM=tcpip

Linux or UNIX
db2icrt -s ese -u ctgfenc1 -p 50005 ctginst1

. /home/ctginst1/sqllib/db2profile


db2 update dbm config using SVCENAME 50005 DEFERRED


db2set DB2COMM=tcpip

  1. Create the database.
db2 create db ’maxdb76’ ALIAS ’maxdb76’ using codeset UTF-8 territory US pagesize 32 K

db2 connect to ’maxdb76’

db2 GRANT DBADM ON DATABASE TO USER db2admin (windows only)

db2 GRANT SECADM ON DATABASE TO USER db2admin (windows only)

db2 connect reset
  1. Configure the database.
db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using SELF_TUNING_MEM ON

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using APPGROUP_MEM_SZ 16384 DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using APPLHEAPSZ 2048 AUTOMATIC DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using AUTO_MAINT ON DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using AUTO_TBL_MAINT ON DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using AUTO_RUNSTATS ON DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using AUTO_REORG ON DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using AUTO_DB_BACKUP ON DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using CATALOGCACHE_SZ 800 DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using CHNGPGS_THRESH 40 DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using DBHEAP AUTOMATIC

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using LOCKLIST AUTOMATIC DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using LOGBUFSZ 1024 DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using LOCKTIMEOUT 300 DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using LOGPRIMARY 20 DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using LOGSECOND 100 DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using LOGFILSIZ 8192 DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using SOFTMAX 1000 DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using MAXFILOP 32768 DEFERRED #32-bit Windows

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using MAXFILOP 65335 DEFERRED #64-bit Windows

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using MAXFILOP 30720 DEFERRED #32-bit UNIX

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using MAXFILOP 61440 DEFERRED #64-bit UNIX

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using PCKCACHESZ AUTOMATIC DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using STAT_HEAP_SZ AUTOMATIC DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using STMTHEAP AUTOMATIC DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using UTIL_HEAP_SZ 10000 DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using DATABASE_MEMORY AUTOMATIC DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using AUTO_STMT_STATS OFF DEFERRED

db2 update db cfg for maxdb76 using STMT_CONC LITERALS DEFERRED

db2 update alert cfg for database on maxdb76 using db.db_backup_req SET THRESHOLDSCHECKED YES

db2 update alert cfg for database on maxdb76 using db.tb_reorg_req SET THRESHOLDSCHECKED YES

db2 update alert cfg for database on maxdb76 using db.tb_runstats_req SET THRESHOLDSCHECKED YES

db2 update dbm cfg using PRIV_MEM_THRESH 32767 DEFERRED

db2 update dbm cfg using KEEPFENCED NO DEFERRED

db2 update dbm cfg using NUMDB 2 DEFERRED

db2 update dbm cfg using RQRIOBLK 65535 DEFERRED

db2 update dbm cfg using HEALTH_MON OFF DEFERRED


Windows: AGENT_STACK_SZ 1000

# Unix : AGENT_STACK_SZ 1000


db2 update dbm cfg using AGENT_STACK_SZ 1000 DEFERRED

db2 update dbm cfg using MON_HEAP_SZ AUTOMATIC DEFERRED





db2set DB2_FMP_COMM_HEAPSZ=65536


  1. For Linux or UNIX, log into the system as the ctginst1 user, and then restart the DB2 command-line environment.
su - ctginst1

  1. Restart DB2.
db2stop force

  1. Reconnect to the database.
db2 connect to ’maxdb76’
  1. Create a buffer pool.
  1. Create table spaces.



  1. Create Schema.
db2 create schema maximo authorization maximo
  1. Grant authority to maximo.



  1. Break the database connection.
db2 connect reset
  1. Exit the DB2 command-line environment.
  1. Update values for database properties located in the file.
  1. Log in to the Maximo Asset Management administrative workstation.
  2. Change to the Product_root\applications\maximo\properties directory.
  3. Edit the Update database properties with the values you used to install and configure DB2.
  • mxe.db.user
  • mxe.db.driver
  • mxe.db.url
  1. Save and close the file.
  1. Run the maxinst command to populate the database.
  1. Log in to the Maximo Asset Management administrative workstation.
  2. Change to the Product_root\maximo\tools\maximo directory.
  3. Run the maxinst command.
For example,
maxinst -sMAXINDEX -tMAXDATA -imaxdb76 -y
  1. Edit EJB module files.
  1. Log in to the Maximo Asset Management administrative workstation.
  2. Change to the Product_root\maximo\applications\maximo\mboejb\ejbmodule\META-INF directory.
  3. Edit the ejb-jar.xml file by uncommenting the following blocks of text. After the edits are complete, save and close the file.
<!-- MEA MDB









<!-- MEA MDB for error queue








  1. Edit the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi file by uncommenting the following blocks of text. After the edits are complete, save and close the file.
<!-- MEA MDB

  <ejbBindings xmi:type="ejbbnd:MessageDrivenBeanBinding"



  <enterpriseBean xmi:type="ejb:MessageDriven"




<!-- MEA MDB for error queue

  <ejbBindings xmi:type="ejbbnd:MessageDrivenBeanBinding"



  <enterpriseBean xmi:type="ejb:MessageDriven"



  1. Rebuild the Maximo Asset Management application EAR file.
  1. Log in to the Maximo Asset Management administrative workstation.
  2. Change to the Product_root\maximo\deployment directory.
  3. Run the buildmaximoearwas8 command.  The maximo.ear file is built and stored in the Product_root\maximo\deployment\default directory.
  1. Create a liberty profile server. Refer to the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v8.5.5 knowledge center for details.
  2. Modify liberty profile server settings for Maximo Asset Management.
    1. Edit the LibertyProfile_root\usr\servers\MXServer\server.xml file and specify information for Java Server Pages, JMS function, Application Security, Jax Web Services, and the startup statement.  A completed server.xml file should look similar to the following.
<server description="new server">

    <!-- Enable features -->


        <!-- Java Server Pages --> 


        <!-- JMS Function -->













    <webContainer deferServletLoad="false"/>

    <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint"



                  httpsPort="9443" />


        <queue id="sqin"/>

        <queue id="sqout"/>

        <queue id="cqin"/>

        <queue id="cqinerr"/>


    <jmsQueue id="sqin" jndiName="jms/maximo/int/queues/sqin">

       <properties.wasJms queueName="sqin"/>


    <jmsQueue id="sqout" jndiName="jms/maximo/int/queues/sqout">

       <properties.wasJms queueName="sqout"/>


    <jmsQueue id="cqin" jndiName="jms/maximo/int/queues/cqin">

      <properties.wasJms queueName="cqin"/>


    <jmsQueue id="cqinerr" jndiName="jms/maximo/int/queues/cqinerr">

      <properties.wasJms queueName="cqinerr"/>


    <connectionManager id="ConnectionMgr1"/>

    <jmsQueueConnectionFactory id="intjmsconfact" connectionManagerRef="ConnectionMgr1"




   <connectionManager id="ConnectionMgr1"/>

   <jmsActivationSpec id="maximo/mboejb/JMSContQueueProcessor-1">





   <jmsActivationSpec id="maximo/mboejb/JMSContQueueProcessor-2">





   <application id="maximo" type="ear" location="maximo.ear" name="maximo">

        <security-role name="maximouser">

            <special-subject type="ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS"/>






                   includes="*.jar" scanInterval="5s"





  1. Edit the LibertyProfile_root\usr\servers\MXServer\jvm.options file and specify heap size information.  A completed jvm.options file should look similar to the following.



  1. Copy files from the Maximo Asset Management administrative workstation to the  liberty profile server.
  1. Log in to the Maximo Asset Management administrative workstation.
  2. Change to the Product_root\maximo\applications\maximo\lib directory.
  3. Copy the following files from the Maximo Asset Management administrative workstation to the LibertyProfile_root\usr\servers\MXServer\apps\lib directory of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment server.
  • mail.jar
  • activation.jar
  1. Change to the Product_root\maximo\deployment\default directory.
  2. Copy the maximo.ear file from the Maximo Asset Management administrative workstation to the LibertyProfile_root\usr\servers\MXServer\apps directory of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment server.
  1. Start the liberty profile server, MXServer. Refer to the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v8.5.5 knowledge center for details.

IBM WebSphere Application Server clustering


In general, clustering is configured in customer environments to provide failover protection and scalability for Application Servers. This section will provide general steps for configuring clustering on WebSphere Application Server environments. More details can be found in the WebSphere 6.1 infocenter:
Vertical Clustering
Clustering with vertical cluster members refers to the practice of defining cluster members of an application server on the same physical machine. Experience has shown that a single application server, which is implemented by a single JVM process, cannot always fully utilize the processor power and RAM of a large multiprocessor machine. Clustering with vertical cluster members provides a straightforward mechanism to create multiple JVM processes that together can fully use all the processing power and memory available.
Important: Before clustering a WebSphere instance, it strongly recommended that you backup the WebSphere Application Server administrative configuration. Backing up the administrative configuration will allow you to restore the original configuration if clustering fails during the clustering process.
To create a cluster with vertical cluster members:
1. Complete the installation of a WebSphere node using the standard product install information.
2. Create a WebSphere Cluster using the WebSphere Guided Activity Wizard for clustering.
3. Add additional cluster members.
4. Configure failover
5. Set relative weighting for cluster members.
6. Start the new WebSphere cluster.
Horizontal Clustering
Clustering with horizontal cluster members refers to the traditional practice of defining cluster members of an application server on multiple physical machines, allowing a single application to span several machines while presenting a single system image. Clustering with horizontal cluster members can provide increased throughput and high availability.
Important: Before clustering a WebSphere Commerce instance, it strongly recommended that you backup the WebSphere Application Server administrative configuration. Backing up the administrative configuration will allow you to restore the original configuration if clustering fails during the clustering process.
To create a cluster with horizontal cluster members:
1. Complete the installation of a WebSphere Network Deployment node using the standard product install information.
2. Prepare additional WebSphere nodes for each node to be added to the cluster.
3. Define the JDBC provider path for each node that contains a server that is or will be a member of the WebSphere cluster.
4. Create a WebSphere Cluster (WebSphere provides a wizard under Guided Activities).
5. Add the additional cluster members.
6. Configure failover
7. Set relative weighting for cluster members.
8. Start the new WebSphere cluster.

IBM Readme for IBM Maximo Asset Management Fix Pack

  Fix Readme Abstract This fix pack updates IBM® Maximo® Asset Management version 7.6.1,, and Content IBM Maximo Asset Manag...