Thursday 6 February 2020

Separation of Maximo industry solution install and configuration actions

Maximo Industry Solution installation programs will, by default, install and configure the product during the installation process. The automated installation and configuration of the industry solution is usually the best way to deploy the product. It is faster, easier, and less error prone than manually configuring the product. However the installation process can be separated into distinct install versus configuration actions. The industry solution can first be installed and then later configured by updating the Maximo database, building the EAR files, and deploying the EAR files. The separation of installation and configuration supports the separation of personnel responsibilities that may exist in an organization. The install administrator can install the product, the database administrator can update the Maximo database, and the application server administrator can build and deploy the Maximo and Maximo help system EAR files.

Installing the product

Follow the steps in the installation program and when the Package Options window opens, check the following check boxes:
  1. Defer the Update of the Maximo Database
  2. Defer Maximo Application Redeployment
These defer options will defer the configuration of the industry solution. Continue the steps in the installation program to complete the installation.

Configuring the product after a successful installation

To configure the product, complete the following tasks:
  1. Update the Maximo Database
  2. Build the EAR files
  3. Deploy the EAR files
The following sections describe how to perform each task.

Step 1: Updating the Maximo database

Whenever you select the Defer the Update of the Maximo Database option in the installation program, then you must manually update the Maximo database.
  1. Open a command prompt and change the directory to install_directory\maximo\tools\maximo.
  2. Run the updatedb -v1 command.

Step 2: Building EAR files

Whenever you select the Defer the Update of the Maximo Database or the Defer Maximo Application Redeployment options in the installation program, then you must build the Maximo Enterprise Archive (EAR) files manually. The EAR files should only be built after the Maximo database has been successfully updated so complete the manual update of the database by running the updatedb command before you build the EAR files. There are two EAR files: maximo.ear and maximoiehs.ear
  1. To build the Maximo EAR file, navigate to the following directory and run the command:
  2. To build the Maximo help system EAR file, navigate to the following directory and run the command:

Step 3: Deploying the EAR files

Deploying EAR files on WebSphere Application Server
Whenever you select the Defer the Update of the Maximo Database or the Defer Maximo Application Redeployment options in the installation program, then you must deploy the EAR files manually. The EAR files should only be deployed after the Maximo database has been successfully updated and the EAR files have been rebuilt so complete the manual update of the database by running the updatedb command and the manual build of the EAR files by running the buildmaximoear and buildmxiehsear commands before you deploy the EAR files.
When you deploy the Maximo EAR file and when you deploy the Maximo help system EAR file, you use the following variables:
WASAdminUserName: A WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment account with deployment privileges.
WASAdminPassword: The password of the user who is specified in the WASAdminUserName parameter.
WASNodeName: The name of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment node.
WASApplicationServerName: The name of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment application server.
WASVirtualHost: The name of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment virtual host.
WASWebServerName: The name of the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment web server.
  1. Deploy the Maximo EAR file:
    install_directory\jacl\solutions\DeployApplication.bat WASAdminUserName WASAdminPassword "MAXIMO" WASNodeName 
    WASApplicationServerName "install_directory\maximo\deployment\default\maximo.ear" WASVirtualHost WASWebServerName
  2. Deploy the Maximo help system EAR file:
    install_directory\jacl\solutions\DeployApplication.bat WASAdminUserName WASAdminPassword "MAXIMOIEHS" WASNodeName 
    WASApplicationServerName "install_directory\maximo\deployment\default\maximoiehs.ear" WASVirtualHost WASWebServerName
    Note: If you encounter authorization issues after manually deploying the EAR files, then you need to map users to roles or groups as described in this technote
Deploying EAR files on WebLogic Server
Whenever you select the Defer the Update of the Maximo Database or the Defer Maximo Application Redeployment options in the installation program, then you must deploy the EAR files manually. The EAR files should be deployed only after the Maximo database has been successfully updated and the EAR files have been rebuilt, so complete the manual update of the database by running the updatedb command and the manual build of the EAR files by running the buildmaximoear and buildmxiehsear commands before you deploy the EAR files.
  1. Change to the mydomain directory.
    1. On Windows operating system: From a command prompt, change the path to drive:\Oracle_installation_location\user_projects\domain\mydomain
    2. On UNIX and Linux operating system: Open a command prompt, and change the path to Oracle_installation_location/user_projects/domains/mydomain
  2. Start WebLogic Server.
    1. On Windows operating system: startWebLogic.cmd
    2. On UNIX and Linux operating system: ./
  3. Enter the WebLogic Server user name and password.
  4. Start the MAXIMOSERVER administration console by entering the following URL in the address bar of your browser: http://hostname:7001/console
  5. Log on to the WebLogic Server console.
  6. Follow the instructions in the WebLogic Server console help to deploy the maximo.ear file and the maximoiehs.ear file.

Installing and configuring Maximo Asset Management v7.6

Attached is a planning worksheet you can use to record the values you intend to use when installing and configuring Maximo Asset Management v7.6.  This worksheet is a dynamic PDF form.  Select the middleware  for your environment to view planning information relevant for your particular deployment.  You can enter values directly in the form, and then save or print the file.  Tooltips provide additional information about valid values for fields.  You can also add your own annotations and notes to the file which can be useful if you need to send the worksheet to someone else in your organization for input.

Maximo Licensing Information and Usage Restrictions

The following usage restrictions apply to all Maximo related products and are in addition to the details outlined within each product’s respective Licensing Information document. This document is general in nature and the use of “the Program” may be substituted with an individual Maximo product name.


Limited Use User Ratio:

Authorized User Licenses cannot exceed a ratio of 3 licenses to 1 Authorized User License of Maximo Asset Management or an Industry Solution.

Express Use User Ratio

Licensee's ownership of Express Use Authorized User Licenses cannot exceed a ratio of 25 licenses to 1 Authorized User License of Maximo Asset Management or Industry Solution.
Licensee's ownership of Express Use Authorized User Licenses cannot exceed a ratio of 75 licenses to 1 Concurrent User License of Maximo Asset Management or Industry Solution.
Licensee's ownership of Express Use Concurrent User Licenses cannot exceed a ratio of 25 licenses to 1 Concurrent User License of Maximo Asset Management or Industry Solution.
Licensee's ownership of Express Use Concurrent User Licenses cannot exceed a ratio of 8 licenses to 1 Authorized User License of Maximo Asset Management or Industry Solution.
For each license
Not to exceed Express Use Authorized User licenses
Not to exceed Express Use Concurrent User
Authorized User License
Concurrent User License

License Circumvention

Licensee will not attempt to aggregate users or otherwise circumvent IBM's licensing restrictions via technical means, including without limitation the use of any interface between the Program and other software that performs functionality substantially similar to that contained in any IBM program then offered by IBM when Licensee acquires the Program.

Security Application

All users of the Program must be listed in the security application of Maximo Asset Management and all users so listed must be entitled to use the Program. Users’ access to the Program must be defined in accordance with the entitlement granted and parameters defined in the security application by the type of user, and be configured accordingly within the profile definition of the users Security Group(s).
Add-on functionality, such as Maximo Industry Solutions and/or Add-on programs (Calibration, Spatial, etc.) are configured in the security application to allow access up to the specific number of users entitled pursuant to Licensee’s Proof of Entitlement. Any technical mechanism used including 3rd party mobile solutions that accesses, uses, or manipulates data in any manner outside of the Program’s user interface requires a Maximo entitlement.
For users who are performing functions which do not require specific entitlement, a single user identification can be utilized.

Licensee's Organization

The Program is for use within Licensee's organization only and may not be resold, rented, leased, or transferred to third parties (without limiting the generality of the foregoing, a third party expressly includes any divested entity or any entity that does not control (by owning greater than 50% of the voting shares), is not controlled by or is not under common control with Licensee). Any attempt to do so in violation of these provisions is void.

Limited Use User Access

A Limited Use User may access applications that have been cloned from one of the applications contained in one of the three modules selected for the Limited Use Authorized User.
A Limited Use User may access custom applications whose capabilities are related to the other applications in the same module selected for the Limited Use Authorized User. If the custom application is unrelated to that module, it will be individually counted as one of the designated modules for that user.
Limited Use Users also have access granted by an Express user, as described in the Maximo Asset Management license information document.

Concurrent Users

Users accessing the system who are entitled as a Maximo Concurrent Use User are counted as any user that is logged into the system at the same time.   This allows a single license to be shared by multiple people, as long as the total number of users simultaneously logged in does not exceed the number of licenses.
Maximo measures concurrent usage by counting the number of users that were logged into the system every minute (based on login and logout information in the logintracking table) and reports on the peak usage over a 24 hour time period.  The default time out for a logged in user is after 30 minutes of inactivity and should not be set to any less than 10 minutes for a concurrent user.   

General Charge Terms

Trade-Up License for Industry Solutions.
  • Trade-Up allows an existing Maximo Asset Management user to upgrade to a Maximo Industry Solution.
  • Trade-Up pricing applies to a given customer who previously purchased Maximo Asset Management and is interested in making a subsequent decision to purchase a Maximo Industry Solution.
Add-On License for Industry Solutions
  • An Add-On License entitles a Maximo User who is licensed for one Maximo Industry Solution to be licensed for another Maximo Industry Solution.
  • The pricing applies to a User who is using more than one Maximo Industry Solution, purchased at the same time or at a later date.
User Entitlement for Mobile Solutions
  • Users requiring mobile capabilities in addition to their current existing Maximo license  may purchase the "Add-On" license for Maximo Anywhere.
  • Users that only require access to Maximo via Maximo Anywhere applications only require that they hold a Maximo Anywhere user license. Those who also require desktop access to Maximo will require a Anywhere license as well as the Maximo license appropriate for their desktop access to Maximo.

Use of third party mobile applications

When accessing Maximo through a third party mobile application, each user is required to hold a underlying Maximo license that would support the same capabilities as provided through the 3rd party application.  For example;
  • If the mobile application allows a technician to view and enter data and complete their assigned work, that requires an express license. 
  • If the mobile application provides the access to contracts, purchases orders, and inventory (3 Maximo modules) a Limited license is required.
  • If the license is shared, it must be the appropriate concurrent use license.

The following usage restrictions applies to the IBM Maximo Asset Management Express Authorized User and Express Concurrent User License only.

The following Maximo add-on product capabilities, if entitled within an enterprise, may be accessed by users with Express entitlement within the usage guidelines of Express.
  • All Maximo Industry Solutions
  • IBM Maximo Asset Configuration Manager
  • IBM Maximo Linear Asset Manager
  • IBM Maximo Service Provider
  • IBM Maximo Scheduler
  • IBM Maximo Scheduler Plus
  • IBM Maximo Health, Safety and Environment Manager

The following Maximo add-on products can be purchased for use with a Maximo Express License:

  • IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management
  • IBM Maximo Calibration

The following usage restriction applies to IBM Maximo for Nuclear Power.

Creating and viewing condition reports via the Create Condition Report (Nuc) does not require a license.

The following usage restriction applies to IBM Maximo for Transportation.

Creating vehicle requests for IBM Maximo Transportation does not require a license.

The following usage restriction applies to IBM Maximo Health, Safety and Environment as well as IBM Maximo for Oil and Gas:

An Incident reporter can enter an incident and view the status of that incident without a license but to change the status of the reported incident requires a license.
Use of the Management of Change Request (MOC Request) application does not require a license. 

The following usage restriction applies to the IBM Maximo for Aviation Industry Solution.

Maximo for Aviation includes predefined security groups. For the predefined security groups, specific license types are required.
  • The following security groups require either an Authorized User or a Concurrent User license;
  • The following security groups require either a Limited Use Authorized User or a Limited Use Concurrent User license.
  • The following security group requires either a Maximo Express Use Authorized User or Express Use Concurrent User license.
  • The following security group requires an Anywhere Authorized User license.
The customer may create new security groups.

If these new customer created security groups are a subset of an existing Maximo for Aviation security group, the user will need the license defined by the parent security group.

If the customer created a completely new security group, that security group will be subject to the same license restrictions as other Maximo Industry solutions.

The following usage restriction applies to the IBM Maximo Anywhere mobile product only. 

The Maximo Anywhere product contains the IBM Worklight Consumer Edition or IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation - Consumer.  As such, Maximo Anywhere customers may use the Worklight/MobileFirst product components for the purpose of configuring and running the Maximo Anywhere mobile applications. In addition, the following restrictions apply:
Customers may not create new Maximo Anywhere applications for use from within or external to Maximo without first acquiring the required MobileFirst entitlements.
Customers may not alter the Maximo Anywhere mobile application such that they exchange data with any data source other than Maximo.   Exchanging data directly from the Mobile App and another data source outside Maximo or Tririga is excluded.
Customers may use data that is accessible through real-time Web services deployed through the Maximo Enterprise Adapters as long as the use of that data does not alter the functionality of the delivered App.  Exchanging data in the App for the purpose of changing or increasing the business intent of the delivered Anywhere App is excluded.
Customers may perform configuration changes of the provided Maximo Anywhere applications or may “clone” a provided Maximo Anywhere application such that the original business intent is not changed.
You may not make changes other than those specified in the IBM Maximo Anywhere documentation (e.g. "Customizing Maximo Anywhere mobile apps").

The following term applies to IBM Maximo Anywhere when creating and deploying Maximo Anywhere applications for iOS (.ipa files)

You confirm that You have all appropriate Apple Developer Program license(s) and that You, as Apple’s licensee, is subject to, and will comply with, the terms of the appropriate Apple Developer Program Agreement. You hereby agree to further customize the Maximo Anywhere hybrid code according to your requirements and build the Maximo Anywhere hybrid code under your Apple Developer Program credentials.
You are solely responsible for uploading, maintaining and granting access to Your signing credentials and keeping Your signing credentials secure at all times. IBM is not responsible for any loss or compromise to Your signing credentials.

Components Not Used for Establishing Required Entitlements

When determining the number of entitlements required for Licensee's installation or use of IBM Maximo Anywhere, the installation or use of the following IBM Maximo Anywhere mobile applications are not taken into consideration. In other words, Licensee may install and use the following IBM Maximo Anywhere mobile applications, under the license terms, but these components are not used to determine the number of entitlements required for the Program.
  • IBM Maximo Anywhere Incident Reporter
  • IBM Maximo Anywhere Service Request
  • IBM Maximo Anywhere Operator Rounds
  • IBM Maximo Spatial mapping capabilities within an Anywhere application

The following Maximo add-on products can be purchased for use with an IBM Maximo Anywhere License:

IBM Maximo Calibration

The following usage restriction applies to the IBM Maximo Asset Management for Internal Service Providers product only.

  • This product is a Maximo Add-on intended for “internal” service organizations such as departments or business units offering services to other departments or units inside the Licensee’s Enterprise.
  • This product is only for use when it is not revenue producing and simply provides services to other departments in the Licensee’s Enterprise. Examples of departments are: IT and Facilities.
  • Priced per Install and per Authorized User
    • Per install metric: For example if Licensee has three separate environments, such as development, test and a production environment, three Install licenses are required.
    • Per Authorized User: Each user of Service Provider, including users who are, for example, setting up response plans or setting up the chargeback rules are required to have an Service Provider Authorized User entitlement.
  • License sync does not apply to Maximo Asset Management for Internal Service Providers; the number of Service Provider Authorized User licenses does not need to match the total Authorized user count for the Program.
  • Use of the Bill Review applications in Maximo Asset Management for Internal Service Providers does not require a license. 

The following usage restriction applies to the IBM Maximo Asset Management for Managed Service Provider

  • This product is a Maximo Add-on intended for service organizations using Maximo offering services to manage assets for third-party customers outside of the Licensee’s Enterprise.
  • Maximo Asset Management for Managed Service Provider is required for any Maximo customers who engage in revenue producing services. Examples of businesses are: IT and Facilities.
  • License synchronization applies to Maximo Asset Management for Managed Service Providers; the number of Service Provider Authorized User licenses must match the total Authorized user count for the Program. Also the number of Service Provider Limited User licenses must match the total Limited user count for the Program. No license synchronization is required for Express User licenses.
  • Use of the Bill Review applications in Maximo Asset Management for Managed Service Providers does not require a license. 

IBM Maximo Multi-language capabilities


Multi-language support prior to Maximo Asset Management release 6
  • Replicate screen changes in each language file
  • Redo screen changes in each language file when upgrading to the next version
  • Database administrator had to create views for each language
  • Screens needs to be configured for data entry
  • Needed a Maximo server for each language
Multi-language support now: Common approach to UI and data
  • Languages stored in the database (supports Unicode)
  • Screen configurations are language independent
  • Easy to add more languages
  • One Maximo server
  • No database view creation needed
  • Upon installation, a base language is identified.
  • The base language data is stored in the main table.
  • The non base language data is stored in a language table.
  • Users can select their language when logging in
  • If Maximo does not find data in the user's language, it will display the data in the base language


Single Database - Multi-languages


Database platform support

  • DB2 and Oracle databases supports UNICODE for Maximo
  • Any language combination is supported (for example, English as base language and Japanese and Arabic as secondary languages)
  • SQL Server does not support Maximo's implementation of UNICODE
  • Limited language combination is supported (e.g. English as base language and French and German as secondary languages)


Language tables

  • Non-Base language data for the system tables (e.g. Maxlabels, synonymdomain etc.) will be created automatically when adding languageLanguage tables can be added in the Database Configuration application.

Add a language table in the Database Configuration application

Enable multilanguage use in the Database Configuration application

  • Select the Multilanguage in Use check box
  • The Multilanguage Supported checkbox must also be selected

Adding more languages

  • During installation, from the launchpad, select a language to add

Enable multi-language support

After installation, run TDToolkit manually.
From a command prompt, go to maximo_root/tools/maximo
TDToolkit _addlanglang
Note: language values can be found in LANGUAGE.MAXLANGCODE_
For more information, see the TDToolkit_Overview.doc in the following directory: install_dir\tools\maximo\classes\psdi\xlate\TDToolkit_Overview.doc

Supported Languages

  • German, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish
  • Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
  • Arabic, Hebrew
  • Turkish, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian
    Language, Locale and Calendar settings
  • In Maximo, the language, locale (number/date format), and calendar are independent. For example, a French user can have French language, Swedish locale and Islamic calendar. The settings can be changed in the profile.


Login Page

  • Users can select a language at login
Profile > Default Information

Customizing translations

  • How can I customize and preserve the translation?
    • It's possible your customized data are overwritten on upgrade or applying patches.
    • You could create update scripts to customize data in database. After upgrade or update is done, run the scripts.
    • Or update translations in XLIFF files. After upgrade or update is done, run TDToolkit to re-import them to overwrite default values.


Adding unsupported languages

  • For example, I want to enter data in Thai.
    • Even though there is no Thai GUI, you can enter Thai data as long as your database is Oracle/DB2 Unicode.
    • Or have a local vendor or partner do the translation. Translatable strings are stored in XLIFF files. XLIFF is an XML file with specific tags for the translation process.


Sharing data in a user's language

  • The same data can be shared in different languages
  • Key values always stay in the base language
  • Descriptions can be in multiple languages
  • Some of the system values such as domain description, messages, and UI labels are already enabled for multiple languages.
Example 1: Data created by base language user
Example 1 (continued)
Example 2: Data created by secondary language user
  • Key value is stored in the main table but the description goes to the language table (e.g. L_ITEM.DESCRIPTION).
  • Base language user will see the item number with no description.
  • Another different secondary language user will also see the blank description.
    Example 2 (continued)
Example 2 (continued)
  • Log in as a base language user - description field is empty.
Example 3: Domain description
The following example illustrates how to show the description in an application.
First create a relationship in the application where you want to display the description, as shown in the following example in the Preventive Maintenance application.
You can use the preceding example as a template. Just make sure that you specify the appropriate domainid and field.
Then go to the Application Designer and bring up PM. Add a new Column and specify the Description from the new relationship.
Save the record, log out of Maximo, and log in with a different language.


  • Languages are stored in the database.
  • For system data, translations are provided with the product. For user data, the user of the language provides the translation.
  • Plan carefully
    • Once the base language is set to non-English, switching the base language is difficult.

Maximo Recent releases from IBM

This page provides information about recent releases and fix packs for Maximo Asset Management products.
The following table provides links to release information for Maximo Asset Management
See What's new in Maximo Asset Management for information about what was added in recent releases

Release date
Download requirements
System requirements
Maximo Asset Management 2019Maximo Asset Management
Maximo Asset Management 2018Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 and Maximo Asset Management Multitenancy 7.6.1Version 7.6.1
Maximo Asset Management 2017Maximo Asset Management Feature PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2017Maximo Asset Management Feature PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2017Maximo Asset Management Feature PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2016Maximo Asset Management Feature PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2016Maximo Asset Management Feature PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2016Maximo Asset Management Feature PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2015Maximo Asset Management Fetaure PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2015Maximo Asset Management Feature PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2015Maximo Asset Management Feature PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 7.6December 2014 Version 7.6
V7.5 Interim Feature Release 1
December 2013
Installing V7.5 Interim Feature Release 1Version 7.5
Maximo Asset Management 2013Maximo Fix PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2013Maximo Fix PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2012Maximo Fix PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2012Maximo Fix PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 2011Maximo Fix PackVersion
Maximo Asset Management 7.5April 2011Maximo Asset Management 7.5Version 7.5

For information about Maximo Asset Management Version 7.6 fix packs and interim fixes, see Maximo and Base Services Feature Pack & Interim Fix Readme Files for 7.6.0 Releases.
For information about Maximo Asset Management Version 7.5 fix packs and interim fixes, see Maximo and Base Services Fixpack & Interim Fix Readme Files for 7.5.0 Releases.
For information about Maximo Asset Management Version 7.1.1 fix packs and interim fixes, see Maximo and Base Services Fixpack & Interim Fix Readme Files for 7.1.1 Releases.


A very important reference is the Maximo Java API documentation. It helps you to find out the Maximo Java Classes and Methods you can use and call from your Jython scripting. A full documentation for the API can be downloaded from the IBM ISM Library via the following links:

IBM Readme for IBM Maximo Asset Management Fix Pack

  Fix Readme Abstract This fix pack updates IBM® Maximo® Asset Management version 7.6.1,, and Content IBM Maximo Asset Manag...