Thursday 6 February 2020

IBM Maximo Multi-language capabilities


Multi-language support prior to Maximo Asset Management release 6
  • Replicate screen changes in each language file
  • Redo screen changes in each language file when upgrading to the next version
  • Database administrator had to create views for each language
  • Screens needs to be configured for data entry
  • Needed a Maximo server for each language
Multi-language support now: Common approach to UI and data
  • Languages stored in the database (supports Unicode)
  • Screen configurations are language independent
  • Easy to add more languages
  • One Maximo server
  • No database view creation needed
  • Upon installation, a base language is identified.
  • The base language data is stored in the main table.
  • The non base language data is stored in a language table.
  • Users can select their language when logging in
  • If Maximo does not find data in the user's language, it will display the data in the base language


Single Database - Multi-languages


Database platform support

  • DB2 and Oracle databases supports UNICODE for Maximo
  • Any language combination is supported (for example, English as base language and Japanese and Arabic as secondary languages)
  • SQL Server does not support Maximo's implementation of UNICODE
  • Limited language combination is supported (e.g. English as base language and French and German as secondary languages)


Language tables

  • Non-Base language data for the system tables (e.g. Maxlabels, synonymdomain etc.) will be created automatically when adding languageLanguage tables can be added in the Database Configuration application.

Add a language table in the Database Configuration application

Enable multilanguage use in the Database Configuration application

  • Select the Multilanguage in Use check box
  • The Multilanguage Supported checkbox must also be selected

Adding more languages

  • During installation, from the launchpad, select a language to add

Enable multi-language support

After installation, run TDToolkit manually.
From a command prompt, go to maximo_root/tools/maximo
TDToolkit _addlanglang
Note: language values can be found in LANGUAGE.MAXLANGCODE_
For more information, see the TDToolkit_Overview.doc in the following directory: install_dir\tools\maximo\classes\psdi\xlate\TDToolkit_Overview.doc

Supported Languages

  • German, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish
  • Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
  • Arabic, Hebrew
  • Turkish, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian
    Language, Locale and Calendar settings
  • In Maximo, the language, locale (number/date format), and calendar are independent. For example, a French user can have French language, Swedish locale and Islamic calendar. The settings can be changed in the profile.


Login Page

  • Users can select a language at login
Profile > Default Information

Customizing translations

  • How can I customize and preserve the translation?
    • It's possible your customized data are overwritten on upgrade or applying patches.
    • You could create update scripts to customize data in database. After upgrade or update is done, run the scripts.
    • Or update translations in XLIFF files. After upgrade or update is done, run TDToolkit to re-import them to overwrite default values.


Adding unsupported languages

  • For example, I want to enter data in Thai.
    • Even though there is no Thai GUI, you can enter Thai data as long as your database is Oracle/DB2 Unicode.
    • Or have a local vendor or partner do the translation. Translatable strings are stored in XLIFF files. XLIFF is an XML file with specific tags for the translation process.


Sharing data in a user's language

  • The same data can be shared in different languages
  • Key values always stay in the base language
  • Descriptions can be in multiple languages
  • Some of the system values such as domain description, messages, and UI labels are already enabled for multiple languages.
Example 1: Data created by base language user
Example 1 (continued)
Example 2: Data created by secondary language user
  • Key value is stored in the main table but the description goes to the language table (e.g. L_ITEM.DESCRIPTION).
  • Base language user will see the item number with no description.
  • Another different secondary language user will also see the blank description.
    Example 2 (continued)
Example 2 (continued)
  • Log in as a base language user - description field is empty.
Example 3: Domain description
The following example illustrates how to show the description in an application.
First create a relationship in the application where you want to display the description, as shown in the following example in the Preventive Maintenance application.
You can use the preceding example as a template. Just make sure that you specify the appropriate domainid and field.
Then go to the Application Designer and bring up PM. Add a new Column and specify the Description from the new relationship.
Save the record, log out of Maximo, and log in with a different language.


  • Languages are stored in the database.
  • For system data, translations are provided with the product. For user data, the user of the language provides the translation.
  • Plan carefully
    • Once the base language is set to non-English, switching the base language is difficult.

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