Wednesday 5 February 2020

Maximo Scripting – CanDelete/CanAdd Object Launch Point

We can control whether we can add or delete a Mbo using scripting Object Launchpoint “Allow Object Deletion” and “Allow Object Creation”.

Can Add

This is an Object Launch Point – “Allow Object Creation” where you can control whether you can add a new Mbo, given the current state of the system. This point pairs up with the canAdd callback that we have in the MboSet framework.
Lets take a use case where we want to validate that a POLINE can be added to a PO only when the PO has the vendor information set.
The script code to do that is shown below:
if mboset.getOwner() is not None and mboset.getOwner().getName()=="PO" and mboset.getOwner().isNull("vendor"): 
   service.error("po", "novendor_noline") 
Note that here, there is no implicit variable called “mbo” as the launch point is invoked before the Mbo is created. At that point all you have is the MboSet (implicit variable “mboset”) for the POLINE.
If you are wondering why this cannot be done using the init Object launch point, the answer is that its little too late. At that point the Mbo has already been created and added to the set. Rejecting it at the point would have not helped.

Can Delete

Similar to the “Can Add”, this Object Launch Point helps validate whether a Mbo can be deleted or not. Going with the POLINE object, say we want to enforce a validation that the line should not be deleted, if the PO is of priority 1.
if mbo.getOwner() is not None and mbo.getOwner().getName()=="PO" and !mbo.getOwner().isNull("priority") and mbo.getOwner().getInt("priority")==1: 
Note that in this case, the mbo is already there (which we are trying to validate for deletion) and hence we can leverage implicit variable mbo to do the validation.

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