Wednesday 5 February 2020

Installing an interim fix in Maximo 7.6.x

Step by steps instructions to install a Maximo 7.6.x interim fix


Download the interim fix from Fix Central.

Shut down the Maximo application server, for example, MXServer.*

Run IBM Installation Manager.
        Windows: Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager (or C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\IBMIM.exe)
Select Installation Manager
        UNIX: Start a Terminal window in /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse directory, then ./IBMIM

Installation Manager directory
Installation Manager main window
From the Installation Manager main window, select File > Preferences...
Select Preferences

   Preferences pane
Click Add Repository.
Add Repository dialog
Click Browse. Navigate to the location of the interim fix compressed file, and click Open.
Browse to interim fix location
Check repository
In the Add Repositories dialog box, click Apply, and then click OK.
At the Installation Manager main window, click Update.
Update Icon
In Update Packages, select the package group to update: in this example, IBM Tivoli's process automation suite.
Update Packages
Click Next.
Update Packages listing
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation. The following images show progress bars leading to the Update Packages screen.
  Progress Information
Update packages summary
A sample Progress bar:Sample progress bar
  The packages are updated.
When the installation is complete, exit IBM Installation Manager.

Installation Manager deployed all of the files for the interim fix. Following the readme file in the interim fix, use either Tivoli's process automation suite configuration tool (ConfigUI) tool to update the database and rebuild and redeploy the ear files, or do these tasks manually. The example here uses the ConfigUI tool.

Again, following the interim fix readme file, complete all required manual steps before updating the database and rebuilding and redeploying the application EAR files. The archive includes a spreadsheet called ListofAPARs.xslx. In that file, in the Manual Changes column, locate Required Manual Steps. After completing required changes, launch the ConfigUI tool. (Windows: ConfigUI.exe; Linux: ./ConfigUI)

Next, start the configuration program:
Windows: Use Start > Programs > Tivoli's process automation suite > Configuration Program (default location C:\IBM\SMP\ConfigTool\ConfigUI.exe)
UNIX: In the <installLocation>/ConfigTool directory run ConfigUI, for example, /opt/IBM/SMP/ConfigTool/ConfigUI

Config UI - Update Database and Build and Deploy Application EAR Files
In the Deployment Operations pane, click Update Database, Build and Deploy Application EAR Files. Click Finish.
Update summary
Click Next.
Apply Deployment Operations

Click Finish. The Config tool will execute all selected tasks. Take note of status and error messages scrolling at the bottom of the Configuration View Console pane.
Apply Deployment Operation Tasks completed
The Config tool has completed its tasks. It has updated the database, rebuilt and redeployed the ear files, and started the Maximo application server. Log in to Maximo and check System Information:
System Information

*If you do not shut it down, the Configuration Tool might display an error that the process automation engine (=Maximo application server) is running and that it must be shut down manually:
Configuration and Deployment Error
Click OK.
Error message CTGIN5080E
To resolve this error, log in to the Application Server console and stop the Maximo server.

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