Wednesday 5 February 2020

Script to run report and save as attachment in Maximo

One of my customers asked me to take a kind of snapshot of work orders at a specific point of the workflow to keep track of special approvals and exact situation of the approved record.
I decided to implement such requirement through the implementation of an automation script to generate a BIRT report automatically and attach it the work order. I my scenario I have triggered it from the workflow but it can be also triggered from an escalation.
# Launch Point: WORKORDER - Action
# Generate a BIRT report and save it as an attachment.

from psdi.mbo import Mbo, MboConstants
from psdi.util.logging import MXLoggerFactory
from psdi.server import MXServer

from import ReportAdminServiceRemote
from import ReportParameterData

from import FileOutputStream


logger = MXLoggerFactory.getLogger("")

reportName = "wodetail.rptdesign"    # name of the report to be lauched
appName = "WOTRACK"                  # application
reportFolder = "Attachments"         # folder where the report will be stored


logger.debug("Entering WOREPORTGENSAVE")

wonum = mbo.getString("WONUM")

logger.debug("Retrieving destination file and folder")

doctypesMboSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet('DOCTYPES', mbo.getUserInfo())
doctypesMboSet.setWhere("DOCTYPE='" + reportFolder + "'")


logger.debug("Output folder: " + outputFilePath)

outputFileName = wonum + "-details.pdf"
outputFile = outputFilePath + "/" + outputFileName

logger.debug("Output file: " + outputFile)
logger.debug("Generating report" + reportName)

# get the handler to BIRT report engine
reportAdminService = MXServer.getMXServer().lookup("BIRTREPORT")

# pass WONUM as report parameter
parameterData = ReportParameterData()
parameterData.addParameter("where", "(WORKORDER.wonum='"+wonum+"')")

reportBytes = reportAdminService.runReport(MXServer.getMXServer().getSystemUserInfo(), reportName, appName, parameterData, outputFileName, ReportAdminServiceRemote.OUTPUT_FORMAT_PDF)

# writes the binary data to the output file
fos = FileOutputStream(outputFile)

logger.debug("Creating DOCLINKS record")

doclinksMboSet = mbo.getMboSet("DOCLINKS")

doclinksMbo = doclinksMboSet.add()

doclinksMbo.setValue("URLTYPE", "FILE")
doclinksMbo.setValue("URLNAME", outputFile)
doclinksMbo.setValue("NEWURLNAME", outputFile)
doclinksMbo.setValue("DOCTYPE", reportFolder)
doclinksMbo.setValue("ADDINFO", True)
doclinksMbo.setValue("DESCRIPTION", "Test Results")

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