Saturday 18 June 2016

Differentiating ReportedBy and AffectedBy when using Classifications in SR


I change the ReportedBy user in the Service Request but I'm not getting an updated list of classifications based on my new User. I can see the classifications that belonged to the original user. Why?


I'm creating an SR and I select ReportedBy User1, the list of classifications is populated but once I change that user to User2, the classifications aren't being updated based on the updated ReportedBy user.


The classification is filtered according to the Customer field. When you
add the User1 as Affected By, User1 is also added into Affected Person
that adds the Customer (customer) on the customer field. The customer field
is linked with Affected By person and not Reported By.
So when you change Reported By to User2, the Affected Person and
Customer fields are not changed. That is why an updated list in classifications is not being
displayed when you change the Reported By.

The customer comes from the Affected By, not the Reported By.

1. Go to SR app.
2. New SR
3. Entered Sinclair in Reported By. Sinclair also appeared in the
Affected By and Gillette appeared in the Customer field
4. Tabbed to the Affected By and replaced Sinclair by Reid. Received a
warning message about changing Customer value. I clicked on Accept My
5. Reid displayed in the Affected By field, and the Customer was
changed from Gillette to DCH.

Setting Site on SRs created from chats


How do I change the default site that gets applied to a Service Request created from a chat so that it matches the SITE of the person who reports it?


1) Create a crossover domain with the following settings:

Object: PERSON
Validation Where clause: personid=:reportedby
Source field: LOCATIONSITE
Destination field: SITEID

2) Associate the created domain to the SR.REPORTEDBY attribute with Database Configuration

3) In the Attributes tab, select the REPORTEDBY attribute and click on the Edit Lookup Map button that is beside the trash button

4) Create a lookup map with the following settings:

Target Attribute: SITEID
Source Object: Person
Source Key: Locationsite
Sequence: 1
Allow Null: checked

With that setting the livechat will be creating SRs, where the SITEID will be the same of the REPORTEDBY Site id.

Note that it is required that the Person record, in the Peoples applications have the Person's Site set.

Relating incident records to global issue not working


From an Incident select "Show Similiar Tickets' from action menu, check the relate incident records , click the 'relate records to global issue' , receive 'bmxaa4187e relationship called does not exist for the TICKET business object'


System does not allow you to relate incidents to global incidents.

Resolving the problem

Add the following relationship to the INCIDENT object.
Field Value
Where Clause ticketid=:globalticketid and class='INCIDENT'
Child Object INCIDENT
Remarks Relationship to the global incident for this

Advance Search and Save Query buttons

Technote (troubleshooting)


The Advanced Search and Save Query buttons aren't showing up in View Service Requests application.


These buttons are missing from the application.

Diagnosing the problem

Go to Self Service -> Service Requests -> View Service Requests. The bottom table is View Service Requests. The table looks like this:

Resolving the problem

Go to System Configuration -> Platform Configuration -> System Properties.
Search for mxe.webclient.searchMenubar.
Set the Global Value to = 1.
Click the checkmark next to property name and hit Live Refresh

Now if you go back to View Service Requests this is how it looks:

Service bulletin warning dialog in incidents and service requests

This document applies only to the following language version(s):



How to enable or disable the service bulletin warning dialog in incidents and service requests application


1. Open the System Properties application (Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties).
2. Click Filter.
3. In the Property Name field, type the first few letters of the property that you want to modify, and press Enter.
This is the property Name:

4 Open the property, and in the Global Value field, enter 1 to enable the dialog or 0 to disable it.
5 Click save 
6 Check the box beside the name of the property that you have modified, and click live refresh  to refresh the system properties to include your modification.

Adding button to row of buttons on top of app


How to add a button to the top of the app?
 For example, how to add the "Take Ownership" button to the top of the Service Request (SR) app?


To add the Take Ownership button to the toolbar of the SR app, follow these steps.
Note that step #8 is not necessary for the Take Ownership button but may be necessary for other actions that do not appear in the left pane.

1) Go to -> System Configuration -> Platform Configuration -> System Properties

2) In Global Properties - filter by mxe.webclient.showOnToolbar

3) In Global Value - Add OWNERSHIP. OWNERSHIP is the action for "Take Ownership". Use the action for the button you wish to add.
For example, the value will be something like this:


Instead change it to this:


That is, add OWNERSHIP. Where you add it does not make a difference in how it is displayed, so just add it to the end.

4) Save

5) Check the mxe.webclient.showOnToolbar and click on Live Refresh

6) Click OK

7) Go to -> Service Desk -> Service Request

8) The icon should appear in the toolbar. If it does not, then go to App Designer and select "Add Modify Toolbar Menu".
Add a new row with these values:

Element Type: OPTION
Position: (give it a number to determine where it shows relative to the over button's values)
Subposition: 0
Image: nav_icon_takeOwnership.gif
Visible: mark the checkbox
Access Key: CTRL+ALT+T
Tabs: All

Now #8 should already be set up for you. There should already be an
OWNERSHIP value but I am putting it here so you know all the steps
involved in making this button appear. Remove either the property or
the row, and the button will disappear.

How to add Service Request Attributes in a Communication Template


How do I access Service Request attributes within a communication template?


You can get the attributes by using a relationship to the object. For instance, if the Communication is created in the Incident application, you can use relationship ACTIVITY to get the attributes of any of the
activities of the Incident. If the Communication is generated from the Activity object, use relationship ORIGTICKET.

If the relationship returns more than 1 record, treat it as an array. For instance, if the Incident has 3 Activities, the :ACTIVITY relationship can return 3 objects. Use brackets to refer to them.

For example, :ACTIVITY[2].CINUM gets the CINUM of the 3rd Activity of the Incident. 

IBM Readme for IBM Maximo Asset Management Fix Pack

  Fix Readme Abstract This fix pack updates IBM® Maximo® Asset Management version 7.6.1,, and Content IBM Maximo Asset Manag...