Saturday 18 June 2016

Setting Site on SRs created from chats


How do I change the default site that gets applied to a Service Request created from a chat so that it matches the SITE of the person who reports it?


1) Create a crossover domain with the following settings:

Object: PERSON
Validation Where clause: personid=:reportedby
Source field: LOCATIONSITE
Destination field: SITEID

2) Associate the created domain to the SR.REPORTEDBY attribute with Database Configuration

3) In the Attributes tab, select the REPORTEDBY attribute and click on the Edit Lookup Map button that is beside the trash button

4) Create a lookup map with the following settings:

Target Attribute: SITEID
Source Object: Person
Source Key: Locationsite
Sequence: 1
Allow Null: checked

With that setting the livechat will be creating SRs, where the SITEID will be the same of the REPORTEDBY Site id.

Note that it is required that the Person record, in the Peoples applications have the Person's Site set.

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